The Mail Run – by BB and Violet
We get mail twice a week here at Granite Glen. Our lovely mail lady (who travels hundreds of kilometres each run) pokes our bundle of bills and papers into this old red cream can about one kilometre from the house.…
You know your kid is a real BUSH kid when…
They do this kind of thing… Unsure whether I should be impressed at the ability of these kids to amuse themselveswithout the need for electronic equipment…or whether to bejust a little bit… DISTURBED?
Weekend Updates
Well, it’s been quite a week. Random updates to follow. . Update #1 – The Ongoing Poddy Saga As you may already know if you have read the comments from yesterday’s post, we lost our little redhead poddy last night.…
Reality bites. Or sucks. Or doesn’t.
I really wanted this to be a happy-go-lucky, skippedy-do-dah, my-oh-my kind of post. With all my heart, I wanted that. Cause it’s calving time round Granite Glen. For the past few weeks, red and black baby calves have been popping…
Sometimes, you just need to SHUT UP…
and letMother Naturedo thetalking. Amen. (All shots taken within 1 minute while talking on the phone to Dash’s teacher. Sorry Ms P. I was listening!)
Weather Watch – and the Harsh Truth about my Water
It’s weather watch time (I do remember my own weekly segment occasionally) but I am spicing it up a little today..And when I say ‘spicing it up a little’ I mean cinnamon. Or nutmeg. Not quite sure.What do you think?.It’s…
Tussle of the Titans
If you are a regular reader here, you will already know that two of the major ‘characters’ in the Granite Glen story are not huge in physical size, but gigantors in personality. And you might also realise that Mr Incredible…
It’s a goer…
OK. It’s done. The calendar has been wrested and wrangled and sorted, and is off to the printers this week. While I had a little bit of an idea of the fininicky work behind this kind of endeavor (thanks to…
Gimme Gimme Some Lovin’
Letting the pictures do the talking today… Axel with Mr Incredible. Proving once and for all that ANY attention is good attention,…as far as Danes are concerned.Oh, and one more thing, to keep things in perspective:The End.
Calendar Girl…
I have been a wee bit distracted with a little project over the past week or so… my folding basket is erupting like Vesuvius and my garden is crispy at the corners and my patio is ankle-deep in leaves to…