Deadlines and (bovine) bonuses…
This last couple of days have been spent away from Granite Glen – if you have been checking my twitters at all, then you might know the lengths to which I went to avoid packing properly til the last minute.…
Wee Little Worlds
I am supposed to be getting organised for a humungous week of action. I am supposed to be folding and labelling and cleaning. And packing for a whole week away from Granite Glen. … Instead I am here sharing some…
Any Rain Will Do…
I had an awesome comment in my Weather post this week that I could not leave unacknowledged. … The fabulous Rhubarb Whine was inspired (or harrassed) into action by my constant harping about rain (or lack of it) and set…
Friends, forgetfulness (and whips)…
Once upon a time A girl called Bush Babe went to work in a newspaper office near the beach in Sunny Queensland. It was a very male-dominated workplace, and while the boys were mostly nice blokes it was a young…
Weather Wednesday… after the (dust) storm
It’s TRUE. I actually remembered my own weekly report this week… wonders will NEVER cease! … I so wanted to bring some greenery to this section of the blog… but Mother Nature is just not playing ball yet. The only…
New month, new header, no new weather!
Thought I’d sneak a little peak into the making of a blog header for y’all… no idea if anyone is remotely interested in how I come up with my bizarre ‘doorway’ into the Bush Babe blog, but thought I’d share…
Sounds of Driving…
It’s late… my brain is a little fried from trying to help edit a promotional video for our cattle. More on that down the track. First, I thought I might share a little of what I have been singing along…
Moments… and the Miracle of Motherhood.
I feel a little strange today… Like I need to share something with my blog buddies, but aware that I am not completely in control of who reads my words… aware that sharing something personal on the web is a…
Beach Weekend: Snapshots #3 (Violet)
Our weekend beach getaway was a loud, hectic, busy, fun affair. I unpacked, made nachos, poured chadonnays and gossiped with friends. And slept in until 7am. Bliss! Mr Incredible did the same (without the unpacking and food preparation) He supervised…
Beach Weekend: Snapshots #2. Surf Lessons
One thing you need to know about my family, is that we are a competitive bunch. Which is fine is we are in an environment in which we know the rules. It can be a hinderance when we are trying…