Calling cards 1
A trip into the heart of Cyclone Marcia territory...
A Moment – Lest We Forget
At the going down of the sun .. and in the Toy aisle of KMart...
Anzac Day - feeling patriotic through some music today!
Race to recovery
A day of colour, horses & much-needed sharing of bush spirit.
A tale of neighbourliness to top them all (bring tissues).
When Mother Nature roars…
A glimpse of Queensland floods from my corner of the world. Brace yourself.
The power of small words
I love words. Always have. Even when, or maybe especially when, they are limited.
Beef about KIDS these days
YOUNG people these days... BB on her soap box!
Lift us up where we belong
A highlight from my week - prepare to be lifted!
Ned’s head
In which I examine the most famous head in Australia... and still find it missing.
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