1 of my favourite – pairs
Another FAVOURITE thing... well TWO things really, but a best described as a 'special pair of characters'.
The Brand
The brand underway. Well, momentarily. And some poddy snaps. No favourites. Well...
Blue sky teasing
Blue skies and torn shirts... and a list that ain't doin' itself!
A big ‘To Do’ list and Holiday Hair
This one is about pressure and pineapples!
A floody list
I am wrung out with flood stories. And I lost my BB optimism somewhere amongst it all. I thought a floody list might help...
In-famous in France
France. Cows. Stories of great spirit. It's all here!
The Island Rescue…
Our first experience of 2011 was...NOT BORING! Grab a cuppa, get comfy and get ready for a little (waterlogged) bush adventure...
Bigger and bigger, wetter and wetter
We head into new territory again today... anyone got a design for an ark on hand?
Lists and sunshine…
Where I bombard you with lists, then reward you with the sweetest thing. It's how I roll...
Ears and eyelashes…
Not brown paper packages, tied up with string, but one of BB's favourite things...