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    Bovine buddies…no bull!

    I haven’t talked too much about cattle to y’all yet… and that’s a bit crazy when Granite Glen is a cattle property. Really, we live, eat (literally) and breathe cattle. (Apologies to my vegetarian friends: I’m just telling it like…

  • The Bush


    Why we brand and how it smells!(Not a story for the faint-hearted, or weak-stomached vegetarians) But where do I belong? It’s one of those facts of life, that on cattle properties, calves get branded. Otherwise, other less-scrupulous people would help…

  • The Bush

    Why I live where I live

    Okay… time to let the words take a back seat folks… Here are some of the reasons I live where I live. It’s the freedom… It’s the contentment… It’s the heart-wrending storyline… It’s the drama and the colour… It’s the…