Feathered friend…
Who's a pretty boy... and where did he come from?
A cloud is a cloud is a cloud…
Dentists, driving, shells and superstitions...
Bulls and the bees…
Spring. Sprung. Bees. Fun.
Things with Wings – POLL #6
A wing-themed Calendar Poll - come vote with us, come vote, come vote away!
Wild Things – POLL #4
Take you best shot at our weird wildlife... with your mouse, of course!
Flipside 1
Looking up through the rain. Not literally... well not really.
Cows, pigs and the birds in between
Evidence of living, laughter and aging disgracefully....
Fog and fur and feathers
Out and about in the grey of my day...
The foggiest…
Soft focus season begins...
Up the creek (with a camera)
Raindrops on gum leaves, and mud on the bridges! (A slideshow)