The Bush

Trees and me…

A little conversation doing the rounds lately has involved trees. Shirley at Rhubarb Whine suggested she might be a willow (if she were a tree) and that I might be a gum. One could suggest that imbibing a more grass-like substance be required to make this kinda mental leap… not that I would know!
So I got to thinking about trees. Now I like trees as much as the next person (being keen on oxygen and not minding a little wildlife and all that) but possibly not to the tree-hugging level of arbour ardour.

I like trees in moderation – enough for birds and koalas to have habitat paths, for wallabies to shelter amongst and cattle to gather under in very hot weather, and in higher country, in the colder weather. I like the timber that comes from trees. I like using paper products, printing my photos onto printing card, walking on my polished timber floors.
But, as in many things in life, bigger is not necessarily better. More is not an improvement on plenty already. In the bush, landowners often have massive resistance to clearing trees to allow pasture development. If it weren’t so horrific to live with (read here: I get to do some of that god-forsaken paperwork!) it would be funny.
Cause baby, we got trees!

Like the proverbial hairs on a cat’s back…

Very few places actually that are NOT covered in trees, here at Granite Glen.
Of course, I do have a soft spot for some particular types of tree.

Like the stern ironbarks that line the road to our house. Even in the soft fog they are like rough-faced sentries guarding the entry. You wouldn’t mess with a person, if they were an ironbark kinda individual.

We have amazing bottle trees that live high above frost lines and in richer (and sometimes that blessed redder) soil. They are amazing, flamboyant, dramatic trees. So precise and intriguing they are like giant bonsais. These are artists, performers, actors these particular trees.

But if I had to choose a tree that I resembled… it would probably be a blue gum.

I’m not slender and elegant like the spotted gums that line the ridges of the horizons here.

Nor neat and contained like the wonderful, broad-leafed kurrajongs.

I kinda spread and shed, sometimes lean and embrace my surroundings and generally fail to follow any kind of order whatsoever.

I like being near watering holes (oh yes, H20 or chardonnay, take your pick!). Blue gums are always found close by a ready water supply.

Getting caught up in the reflections of my mind, and the shimmering images of those around me.

I’m solid and you can depend on me to be there… I’m rooted well and truly to the piece of ground I have chosen. Just like a big ol’ blue gum.

Now I am s’posed to do other stuff. But I’m not gonna. I’m not good at rules and regulations. So I’m just going to tag the following people (if they feel like navel-gazing into their trunks for a bit). Jeanie, PW, Deb, Remudamom and Trace. And anyone else who swings by.

What tree are you? Tell me here or at your place.

I’d really like to know.



  • Jenni

    Love this post and all your photos! Maybe I’ll do one on this theme soon. I’ve got some ideas, but I don’t have the photos yet.

  • debby

    Oh, what a beautiful post. I just love the scenery and the looking. What kind of tree am I. Let me think on it. I’ll get back to you.

  • Pencil Writer

    Trees are wonderful! You have great photos, as usual! I hope you look into my latest post with some pretty cool looking (to me). I’m with Debby. I’ll have to navel gaze a lot more to come up with a tree that I know that I might be like . . .

    Love you blog!

  • Leslie

    You know, I am really fond of Ghost Gums, from when I was a little girl in California and my nanna in Australia used to send us greeting cards with Albert Namitjira paintings on them.

  • jeanie

    So the whole “limbs fall off without warning” bit doesn’t scare you? Or the fact that kangaroos – ummm – scratch you? Or you can ooze stuff?


    Well done. I was thinking pepperina for me – fun for a bit then as annoying as hell!

  • Pencil Writer

    I can’t spell, can’t proof read, can’t figure out so many things–so I guess I qualify as a tree anyway. I do love the sun, rain, breezes, so that works for being a tree. I like putting down roots–b . u . t . . . I DON’T like standing in one place for very long. Hmmmmmmmm. Let’s see. I love redbud trees. They’re lovely and graceful and have pretty pinky blossoms in Spring and send little seeds all over the place to sprout up hither and yon.

    Maybe I’m like a redbud. (I was, a strawberry blonde–in the red scale of colors there) and I do spread “things” hither and yon in my own way. I hope I provide a little beauty and shade for those whom I shelter from time to time–through my cooking, baking, sewing and words. Maybe I AM like a red bud.

    Oooops! Was I supposed to BLOG POST THIS on MY blog????

    See–my brain’s getting woody already.

  • Katie in NY

    Birch, I think, very white (it’s the irish in me) and messy, sometimes. I just hope I don’t attract those god awful tent caterpillars. ~shudder~

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