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(Bruised) navel gazing

I’m home! I cannot begin to tell you how good it feels, to be sitting here at the office desk looking out at the greenery that is my view from the window to the north.  It’s been exactly a week since I packed the car and drove north and so much has happened that I feel like a month has passed.  (The welcome-home stench of a mouse that FINALLY took the bait in my pantry mousetrap added to this illusion. Noice).

We have sold heifers, bought bulls, I have flown to the Big Smoke, shopped a little (HELLO to my new favourite store Typo… OMG this place is heaven*), visited a doctor or two and then… had my gall bladder whipped out.  Through my belly button. Yah.  Or as Violet likes to refer to this part of the anatomy: Telly Button.  Truth be told, my telly button is feeling quite sorry for itself at present.  I imagine the shock of having to stretch to eject a bodily organ, after having done pretty much nothing for four decades, is substantial.  How amazing is it that such a surgery can take place this way?  I quite literally have four bandaids to show for the event.  How is one supposed to pump for sympathy with such a pathetic scar offering?

We are so lucky to have family and friends willing to accomodate (and entertain) us during our chaotic visits to the city.  It never fails to amaze me that they continue to put up with the ‘it’s all about us’ activity – and I have to say that the soft mattress waiting for me at Mr Incredible’s brother’s place was among the most welcome sights ever after a night on a hospital guerney/bed.  Man those things are hard…

The beds weren’t the only attractions at our in-laws place, with Dash and Violet having to be pried away from their big cousins prior to departure yesterday.  These three had gone out of their way to make them welcome and share their plethora of entertainment and stores of patience with our excited kiddos.  Our son is now addicted to i-pads and the rings on their swing set, while our daughter is the proud owner of about 50 half-finished skooby keyring decorations.  Thanks for your patience, Big Cousins! *blows kisses*

The six hour drive home yesterday was a good one – well, a good one to have behind me!  We arrived home to a freshly washed landscape (two more inches of rain in our absence) and some faces that were very happy to see us.  Axel nearly had a fit he was so delighted – I had to guard against the navel-high tail wagging that is part and parcel of owning a Great Dane – his back end was blurry the welcome was so frantic.  (This is why we need dogs. To reassure us of our/my irreplacable-ness in the world!).
I have a small mountain of unpacking to tackle, two new bulls to inspect/cuddle, some heifers to help prepare for some embryo work, packing for a school camp and having a few lie-downs.  It’s a hectic schedule!

And can I say, unreservedly, that I hope the week ahead is a really really boring one.  My navel needs a rest!

Of course, that never seems to happen out here.  But you can always hope…


* Typo have not paid me for this plug.  It just happens to be an awesome place.  If you are a stationery addict like moi.


  • Leenie

    I’m so glad all went well with the surgery. Those who have been through such a thing seem to have a lot happier life without their gall bladders.

    I hope you take your list of to-do’s and seriously edit it! You need to milk those four band-aids for all their worth as long as you can! That belly button needs time to heal. How are you ever going to have it pierced and fitted with a flashy stone if you work it too hard after that surgery? Get back in that big soft chair, lady!
    Leenie´s last blog post ..DEXTER TAKES A WALK

  • naomi

    even though you have little in the way of external scarring it doesn’t change the fact that you did have surgery and are now missing an organ. remember to take it easy, no heavy lifting for at least 3 weeks and get plenty of rest. sure, i know you’re a mom of young kids and you help run your ranch, but still. the last thing you need is post-op complications.
    naomi´s last blog post ..Yay- Me!

  • debby

    I give up. What’s a Skooby?

    I’m glad you’re home. Nearly as glad as Axel Rose. Except that my butt is not a blur. That would be a fine, fine trick, though.

    One piece of advice. Don’t overdo. Tim was very anxious to get back to his puttering. The doctor did not know what he was talking about, to Tim’s way of thinking, because he felt great. Yeah. Mr. Bullhead actually got sick from doing too much. Two days of sitting on his butt set him right.
    debby´s last blog post ..Today at Tractor Supply

  • Jenni in KS

    Yikes! Through the belly button? I didn’t know they did that? I’m omphalophobic, so that seriously freaks me out. I’m glad you have the surgery behind you and are (hopefully) starting to feel better!

    • Bush Babe

      PLease note – these are not cows, they are young bulls (with the easily offended sensibilities of adolescents!). And they are quiet as anything – a couple will be show bulls next year and be led around a show ring… they’d better be gentle!!

  • kurrajong

    We have lots of half finished skooby things too. Glad all went well. I might just have to drive out for a coffee one day to catch up.

  • Pencil Writer

    Congratulations . . . ??? On all the above. Hope you do pamper yourself into a full, effective recovery! (And be very grateful you didn’t have to deal with a 12 incher kind of incision my dear spouse had!)

    So, what day was your surgery? Mine was Oct 7. Close, but probably not same as yours.

    My incision is not large either–but itches like all holy heck! And—-I am so grateful to still be alive!
    Pencil Writer´s last blog post ..You Never Quite Know Whats Around the Bend

  • Stefanie

    Glad you are home. Hope you get to feeling better soon. I have a six inch scar on my right side from gallbladder surgery. Love the pictures.

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