All posts,  Photo Stuff


The past few weeks here have seen some amazing things in my life.

I met people like this, whose story must be shared.

I also met many whose tale were more difficult to publish, in some cases too private, in others more dangerous.  I don’t mean to be evasive, but just let me say that we are soooooo lucky in this country to enjoy the ‘Aussie’ kind of lifestyle.  The term ‘The Lucky Country’ rings loud and true to me, at this moment.

Every person we met who had travelled from overseas to visit the events we had organised last week, were fabulous in their own way.  All admired our beautiful country, our friendly manner and some shared their own stories … which sharply reminded me that it costs nothing to be grateful.


Grateful for the freedom to bring our children up in a reasonably relaxed way.


Grateful that we really don’t have to worry about our precious stock going missing every night.


Grateful that we can sleep safe in our own homes.


Grateful that for every frustrating tangle of red tape we must unravel (as primary producers), that we get to have a say in the people who govern us.


Grateful that (as beef producers) we can make our own selections of bloodlines we wish to introduce to our breeding programs.


Grateful that we can work together as a family to build our business.


And I am grateful, personally, that the efforts I freely gave over the past couple of years, were openly appreciated by others.


Sometimes, just saying ‘I am grateful’  and ‘thankyou’ is enough… and getting flowers was just the icing on the cake!

What do you think?

What things are you grateful for?


  • Lynda M O

    I think you are super lucky to live where you do and to raise your Dash and Vi the way you feel is best.

    I am very grateful for Ormond, my husband for 25 years now. I am not in very good health and he has stood by and helped me navigate this insurance racket here in usa, has driven me to the ER in the wee hours of the morning and stayed by my side even tho neither of us had slept at all.

    I am supremely grateful for my daughter who lives just a couple blocks away. We share jobs in the Home Health Care industry and are blessed to be so close-emotionally and physically.

    Words are inadequate to describe my love for this roof over our heads. There was some doubt that we would be able to settle here in the SF Bay Area in the early 2000’s. Home prices were in the millions and we are 55 and 71 now so we knew ten years ago we’d not be able to deal with a 30 year mortgage. We found a co-op that we were able to buy a one-bedroom, 50 sq mtr (542 sq ft) apartment with an end unit and a great yard into which we have planted 50 items in in the last ten years. Apples, and cherries and strawberries along with some beautiful ornamentals-Japanese Red Maple; Weeping Copper Beech, Queen Palm to remind us where we came from and how hard we worked to get here.

    Thanks for asking what we are grateful for–I love being reminded how lucky I am to have this life with these companions. Your blog is one of my personal favorites, BB.

  • Hippomanic Jen

    So many things to be grateful for. Wonderful husband comes top of the list, having our own home and safety in it is also close to the top of the list, and despite looming deadlines the fact that I can take one semester out to study full time is a huge Blessing.

    Those flowers are gorgeous – great photos too.

  • debby

    I am grateful my family. My house. My job. My friends. I am grateful that I’m graduating. Grateful for flowers, too. Gosh. I’m grateful for so very much that I could run on a very long time. Thank you for reminding me how long my list is!
    debby´s last blog post ..Pet Peeve. One of ’em, anyway.

  • KAddy

    It must be the day for it…I was only thinking this morning how grateful I am for my life and the people in it…although it is not perfect it is pretty damn good. PS I am also grateful for the great stories and awesome photos that get pulished on this blog – Thanks BB

  • Kelly

    Beautiful, beautiful photos! And yes, I have many things to be grateful for.

    I was amazed recently to read in my paper that there had been several instances of “cattle rustling” in our area – a small, rural section of South Arkansas! We don’t have many cows (and only one bull), but I’d sure hate for someone to come load them up in the middle of the night and take them away!!
    Kelly´s last blog post ..I Spy – Nostalgic (Blast from the Past #3)

  • Fiona

    We certainly do have so much to be grateful for in this country. First and foremost I am probably most grateful for my family’s good health, but the list is a long one. Having heard Rob Cook speak last week and reading your beautiful post, I am more grateful than ever. And possibly far less tolerant of those people who whine and whinge and complain about the most trivial of things.
    Hope you’re able to put your feet up a little this week.
    Fiona´s last blog post ..Hangin’ Around

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