Fresh eyes and friendships…
I love having visitors here at Granite Glen. That fact is pretty well documented – even if I do struggle at times to fit it into our schedules. (Fun when we do though!)
It’s so nice to have a great excuse to just SLOW DOWN for a bit, SHOW OFF our little bit of the world, and remember the IMPORTANT stuff.
Like great environments and awesome friendships…
Those who have been around here a little while will know that my mate Jen makes me grin. We have grinning competitions actually, and she wins hands-down. How’s that for an awesome smile? Impossible to resist, really…
Her second visit to us came right amid my recent health discoveries, and I admit I used it to distract myself properly from the dramas unfolding there. Is that naughty? It was just so lovely to laugh, and catch up and watch our kids get to know each other too.
We managed to turn on a magic sunrise…
Although most visitors snuggled deeper into their doonas for this one! LOL.
Magoo and Macaroni, and Dash and Violet had the loveliest time…
deep discussions about equestrian equipment…
And trying it out (nice work!).
Meeting iTunes …
And OF COURSE Bay Leaf the bombproof cow.
There was lots of natterin’ and relaxin’ too…
Or shoes…
They actually wanted to go swimming in the river too… clearly kids from sub-zero climates. Brrrrr…
(TJ Rockin’ the gumboots and the Big Girl camera!)
We did let the kids do some exploring around the river…
With appropriate beverages in hand!
Jenny, her sexy Mama, and my famous neighbour (and aunt) Bron of Boogal Cattle.
Who is married to this bloke – my uncle Tex! I love this pic of him…. at sunset. He’s an old romantic, don’t ever let him tell you otherwise!
We waited for a decent sunset (to round out a pretty nice bush day)… it looked a bit subdued and we almost gave up…
And then…
Magic with some sweet little posers…
That’s what I’m talkin’ about!
And to top it all off, our resident wanna-be musician got a lesson from a pro.
TJ sharing a couple of tricks with an unblinking Dash.
How amazing is the world we live in? For a ‘virtual friend‘, whom I met online about five years ago (we can’t recall exactly how) this girl brought some very real (and long-lasting) smiles into our lives.
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous family with us! And let us share a bit of our world with you… was lovely to see this place again through fresh eyes, and see our friendships echoing in our kids.
PS For her take on this same visit (she was quicker off the draw this time than me) check out Jen’s blog here.
Friendship is grand and oh so important for our existence! Lovely post.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Salad greens
She visited right when you needed that grin the very most.
debby´s last blog post ..Bush Babe
Mrs Catch
Good friends and nature. You can’t get more healthy and healing than that! Xx
Mrs Catch´s last blog post ..Holiday
Lynda M Otvos
Fantastic timing on her visit. The kids look like they all had a great time. Hope your health is holding up.
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..7-14-14 Flimsy