Language,  The Bush

DEFINITIONS: ‘Strine Vernacular’ & ‘Bush Babe Speak’

To assist those who are having issues with some Aussie terminology sometimes used unwittingly in this blog. (Bonus: handy for dealing with any bloke from the bush!)

Bush – this does not refer to an American President or the nether regions of a female, but to the regions of Australia beyond suburbia. Those talking about ‘The Bush’ usually refer to areas which boast the presence of animal life such as emus, dingoes, cattle, sheep, camels etc. In typical Aussie irony, it does NOT necessarily include any evidence of foliage.

Granite – blue-grey and silver crystalline rock formed a bloody long time ago. It is hard and tough and much like the men of the bush. And sometimes the women. It is fabulous in an artistic sense and fun in a kid sense – good to climb and explore and known to provide cover to intriguing Aussie wildlife (sometimes slithery and possibly deadly).

Babe – for the purposes of this blog, not representative of Elle McPherson (as in: ‘what a hot babe!’) or of youth (as in: ‘look at the gorgeous little bub, bub, bub!) but more of a greenhorn/raw beginner type label (as in: “Keeerrrissst – how do I format this freaking page’ and ‘what on earth is my login password again?’).

Mate – a special title bestowed up those who have proven their loyalty, integrity and (in the case of blokes) ability to throw a few cold ones down with you in times of need.

Bloke – Aussie man, in parody often seen in stubbie shorts and thongs (flip-flops) but can be disguised as businessmen, stockmen (cowboys), and sometimes prime ministers.

Sheilas – a truly terrible word referring to Aussie women. Don’t use it, certainly never to someones face, especially if you are hoping for a half decent cuppa (cup of tea or instant coffee).

Taking the Piss – an extremely Australian pastime, especially in the more regional areas where we must amuse ourselves more (less access to PS2 and malls). Involves telling very tall tales with an extremely straight face and seeing just how gullible the nearest visitor (townie, Pom or Yank) really is. All family members must be able to survive ‘having the piss taken’ (i.e. displaying a sense of humour about oneself), and will graduate to taking the piss when the sacred moment arrives (as decreed by an older sibling or cousin). Does not involve drug testing. Does not involve urinating. *

Taking a leak – does involve urinating.

Having a go (at you) – see Taking the Piss. Can take the form ‘Having a lend (of you)’.

Taking the mickey – see Taking the Piss

Piss Up – involves lots of alcohol (usually beer, and not that pansy warm stuff served in England, or trendy pale stuff marketed as ‘non-fattening’ – little respect is paid to drinkers who worry about their weight. It’s un-Australian!). Also known as “on the grog” and “throwing a few back”. *

Yank – with great apologies to all Americans, this refers to you. It does not matter which state of your great nation you hail from – to us you are as one, and you are all Yanks. Do not take offence, it is usually meant with enormous affection. When we are taking the piss (see above) this reference can take on the rhyming slang offshoot: Septic Tank. We still love you (see ‘Good Sport’!).

Pom – also known as “Bloody Poms”. Read above definition, filling in “Pom” for “Yank”. We know we are all just convicts to you and we are happy to be good sports about that, as long as we thrash you in the cricket (or tennis, or rugby, or aerial skiing, whatever that is). Winning at sport is our revenge. Never forget it!

Good Sport – the most important characteristic to have whether you are an Aussie, Pom, Yank, Kiwi etc etc. Doesn’t matter where you are from, as long as you can handle us “taking the piss”*, you’re officially a Good Sport, and all right with us.

Thanks for being a good sport and putting up with me taking the piss – and saying it so many times in one entry (and apologies to my Mum who will have clicked me off after the first reference to it, and no doubt be heading for the car, on her way to wash my mouth out with soap!)*.

Please feel free to offer your entry into this list – I promise to update it with the best offerings!

Keep Smiling

Bush Babe (now you understand!)

*It’s important to note that I very rarely us the word “P***” in real life… but somehow in the world of the blog, I have become a bit potty-mouthed. Sorry. Sorry mum. (But’s it IS fun!)


  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Thanks Elizabeth… yes, life in the country is a contrast in Australia. More on that soon! Hope Canada is not too cold at the moment! It’s on my ‘to do’ list!
    Bush Babe

  • debby


    Bush Babe, you are hilarious. Even before I understood the vernacular.

    I’d much rather be called ‘Yank’ than ‘Bush Babe’. A label like that will piss a lot of folks off. Especially with the primaries heating up.

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