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Five things that Get My Goat

OK – I have been ‘tagged’ apparently, and that means I must spend today having a whinge… I am so new at this I have no idea of protocol (I have only just worked out bookmarking, sad but true) so I am just doing as I am told and listing my “Five Pet Peeves”. For a start, I rarely use the word “peeves” but this is neither here nor there – I will go with it. Hmmm… this could be very long or very abrupt, depending on the mood on which I finish this.
Actually it might be very, very revealing. I’m a bit nervous about giving the whole show away… you ready?
  1. Unfinished business… I like to get things done. I don’t like giving up or giving in (stubborn firstborn thing I’m told), and I hate walking away from something half-completed. Which is why I wasn’t a very good bureaucrat. And why I was an OK journo. This point, however, might not relate to office-work, which I am always happy to be distracted from.
  2. Office-work… like housework, I love it when it is done, but it’s like swimming through the proverbial for me. I need a snorkel, and flippers and shovel and goggles, and a brew before I really start … well you get the drift. I start to procrastinate (which I also dislike, especially in myself) and flap around like the goldfish in The Cat in The Hat.
  3. People who whinge… like me now! And YES we DO need the “g” in the word, my Yankee friends, it gives it more oomph. And if you are going to belly-ache and expect people to listen for any length of time, then do it with a little conviction. Like me now!
  4. People who hog the overtaking lane… I mean this both literally and figuratively. I like to keep it movin’ right on along (call me impatient, or even a lead-foot … my closest friends do!). I really have better things to do than look at other people’s bumpers. (OK, a couple of exceptions here – and you know what I mean!). This dislike of being held up applies to freeways, footpaths and shopping aisles. Even my kids know to never stand in front of Mummy, but grab hold of the trolley like Bob the Builder, and hold on tight. All of which are excellent reasons I should live in the bush and not the big smoke!
  5. Being sick or injured. I have spent an inordinate amount of my life in either of these positions. I like to be well – I am not a patient woman when it comes to recovery. It’s no good for my nerves to wait for others to have the time and inclination to wait on me, I’d just rather do it myself. And to wait for Mother Nature to do her stuff and make the cells hurry up and mend over whatever is broke. (NB I am more than happy to care for others who are sick – also an inordinate amount of time spent on this activity – see blog tomorrow).
  6. I know there isn’t s’posed to be a 6, but this one is more a loathing than a peeve – it’s toads. Cane toads… I had forgotten how much I truly detest the horrible brown disgusting things, until I went to check the washing in our downstairs laundry just now. Two of them (huge and warty and gross) sat staring at me from in front of the washing machine til I dropped my gaze and backed out. I’ll change the loads over in the morning, when all such vile creatures have crawled back under whatever hole they crawled out of. Yukkkk! Something that ugly and unfriendly just ain’t natural… and I’m not the only one who thinks so!

That’s it kids… Peeve Time with the Bush Babe is officially over. Here is a pretty picture to make it all better now.

I like to take photos – I may have mentioned it before? And my camera is at the doctors, and being without my camera should really be my number 1 pet peeve. Cos I miss it… and there is so much to take photos of round herehang on! There is a little instamatic around here somewhere… gotta go!

Keep smilin’ (and stop whinin’)

Bush Babe

PS Apparently I’m sposed to ‘tag’ someone else. So The Brave and Tracey you are up (if you feel like it, I mean. I’m very easy-going, really!). Jeanie I look forward to your offering!


  • debby

    Oh, I wouldn’t have minded if you’d have said, “I’m not much on whinging, so I’m not starting because I’m ‘IT’.

    How funny about the cane toads. I didn’t mind him at all. Unless you’re going to tell me something like they are the size of ottomans or something equally distressing (Please don’t tell me that…)

  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Ah Deb, everyone enjoys HAVING a good whinge. Clears the head. I feel so much better… and cane toads can grow up to about 10 cm high and are especially disgusting when you put your foot into a rubber boot and one is already in residence! Much worse than a goanna…

  • Katie

    Help an overseas visitor (upstate New York, not to be confused in any way with New York City which is a lovely place to visit but nothing like where I live) and give me a phonetic spelling of whinge?

  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Katie – I will do my best: whinge.
    Sounds like: W-in-j
    Rhymes with tinge.
    It’s a lot like whining but you crank it up a notch! It’s very cathartic. That help?
    PS Haven’t been to NY – state or city – yet. Is it cold there?

  • debby

    Katie, not to step on YOUR toes, but BB, I’m from PA. It’s been bitterly cold. Today we had a warmup. I was really excited. Until I looked at the weather map. Flipping sleet should begin any moment now.

    I’m thinking of emigrating to Australia, by jiminey! (Sand Goannas or no…)

    Wait? Is this a whinge? Oooooh. I feel so very worldly!

  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Seeing as how it was 40C (104F) in my kitchen yesterday, “raining ice” sounds kinda refreshing! Deb, whenever you feel like emigrating, come on down! The water is warm, the people friendly and the goannas shy!

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