Hondo’s Hero
We had a run in the river recently (try saying that fast three times) and took the kids to check out the flow by the old bridge. Our two kelpie-cross pups, Jet and Hondo, came for the ride.
This is Hondo – he was named after the first thing his Mum’s owner saw when he was born (a Honda bike).
Here is Hondo and Jet (named by Dash because he is black …der!) looking longingly at the groovy flat area below them. Can we jump? Can we, can we? Ah, c’mon…why not?
But being pups, they couldn’t just look. They had to explore. Out there. Only thing is, they didn’t understand that the glass-like surface onto which they galloped was not actually solid. Hondo went in first.
And after some frantic splashing around in the murky, muddy, weed-ridden, rat-infested water – and much laughter on my part (I am a sick, sadistic woman!) – SSB decided to rescue the adolescent canine from his own stupidity…

Up you come Hondo, you silly mangy moron…
By the scruff of your neck, my friend!
Sigh… my hero. Well, Hondo’s Hero. He was very grateful and showed it by lying all over SSB’s leg in adoration.
And then, to prove that doggy dumbness isn’t a one-off thing, Jet decided to show his little white buddy how it is done…
See Hondo – this is how you swim… through… the… water
(HONDO) Yes, I’m watching Jet – you are Sooooooo smart.
(JET) … aaakkkk… what touched my foot!
(HONDO) Jet… Jet… what’s wrong?
(JET) Ah, it’s OK. I’m alright. Just watch and learn kid.
JET: Really… Just..a…bit…stuck… accckkkk!
(BB note: note the bubbles showing the path of Jet’s swim … in typical kelpie logic, he decided that getting into strife on-shore, was less preferable than the monsters of the deep, so decided to change tack at the last minute…)
After a few more minutes of thrashing around, Jet finally gave in and asked for help, so being the patient boss-man that he is, SSB agreed to a little more tights-and-cape action (now there is a mental image!) and finally hauled the second of our wayward canines from the weed and the water.
No, it’s OK really… don’t mind the scruff of the neck thing at all!! Yo’ the Boss!
The pups were remarkably well behaved and subdued for the remainder of our river watch, and meekly followed their human friends home at the end of the afternoon.
And you should know that our puppy pals slept like little logs that night! Dreaming perhaps of Loch Ness water rats and Weed Octopus, and Hondo’s Hero in a cape and tights…
Til next time
Bush Babe
Pencil Writer
Great pictures and dialog! What a great hero! Dad’s are great (with or without tights and capes). Now Dash and TLW will always adore Daddy all the more–and they have a great example of “what to do when”
Enjoy your blog so much!
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Thanks PW (did you realise your acronym is the same as the Famous Pee Dub? Clever lady!)… nice to know someone is out there, somewhere, enjoying my bits of nonsense. And I shall keep you posted on Men in Tights…
Very cute!
Dog’s are such characters, aren’t they? I can definitely see a future “Hondo’s Hero” series. Cute dogs and men in tights – What more could you want?
Pencil Writer
Bush Babe, I have to admit no cleverness on my part as to the PW thing. (Ha, ha.) Seriously, I didn’t even realize the similarity until just last week, myself, and had a little chuckle. What can I say? Great minds think alike? I hope the Pioneer Woman, PW, doesn’t take issue! I thorouthly enjoy her posts and woun’t want to seem like a wannabe. (Even if it might be true, ya’ know.) Have a great day!
Pencil Writer
P.S. And I might learn to spell thoroughly, even, someday–if I’m really, really careful. If you know what I mean!
Sounds like Hondo is dreaming YOUR dreams.
PW – there’s always some typo that slips through, and you wind up thinking ‘gah! now everyone KNOWS that I’m not the sharpest crayon in the box.’ It’s how I keep myself humble. Yeah. That’s it. I do it on purpose. You probably do it on purpose as well. Just to be humble.
LOL and the typo’s – Intentional humility is a great strategy! I must remember that.
I usually go with ‘spot the deliberate mistake’ 😉
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Nice to see I have such humble and clever readers… no doubt you will have all picked up a number of quite deliberate, humbling typos in my babble already? Feel free to point them out to me – I grew up with a Grammar Queen for a mother so am quite happy and at home with ready-made editors!