The Bush

A (worm) picture is worth a 1000 words…

I thought about going through long and tedious explanations about why we chose to up sticks and head for the bush almost 18 months ago. Why we gave up a seaside home and a good salary and weekends off, for the harsher inland climes and the vagaries of income and long working hours associated with life on the land. Why we left shops and malls and discount chains for a small IGA, a Mensland and a couple of ‘ladieswear’ outlets (actually all these are pretty nifty – again, another post).

Why, why, why’ many of our city friends cried. And some of our country associates too. Most ‘young people’ head from the bush to the ‘big smoke’, to find careers and enjoy what is considered ‘a better life’ (to a teenager anyway). I was going to go through why we reversed the trend, swam against the tide, and undertook our ‘tree change’. Instead of boring you with all that though, I found this photo I took a couple of weeks ago while the kids were swimming.
I apologise for the fence between us and the action – but I reckon this photo kinda explains why we came ‘home’.

Can you see what enraptured the kids and I that sunny Granite Glen day? OK I’ll go closer (curse this blogger shrinkage of photos!)

Nuff said…

Love & Sunshine (and lots of worm moments)

Bush Babe

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