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OK OK: puppy pics for those who have been good…

I have not gone mad.

Three posts in one day…

But I thought perhaps you might like a puppy pic…

For a reward when you have done the ironing, mowing and folding.

Well done!

I shall have to look later…

Much later…


  • debby

    I have not finished the washing, the ironing or the folding. I looked anyway.

    I just worry about them. They look so malnourished. :^D

  • Alison

    I’m just going to sit here and look at them for a while longer.
    And not look at the laundry. If you can’t see it it’s not important.
    Yeah – How many are you keeping?

  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Debby – you are just a very naughty girl… I WAS going to put one aside for you and all. To save you going to prison. But I just don’t know now!

    Baby A & Alison – if you ask SSB, we are keeping them all. If you ask my Dad, we are keeping one. If you ask me… actually, no-one ever asked me! Ask me now: we’ll keep one. Ask me when they are chewing shoes (in about 2 weeks time) I shall happily sit at the bus stop and hand them to whoever slows down.

    PS Debby, I too have been concerned about their nutritional levels. Concerned that they are about to POP! Gluttonous little slugs…

  • jeanie

    ‘Salina just saw them and screamed “their eyes are open, their eyes are open!!!” – she also took note that Dash and TLW were touching them in the other post and thought the universe was grossly unfair.

    She got over it, though.

    PS My maid hasn’t come in to do our folding, the washing basket is begging me to take it downstairs to the laundry and as for ironing – you KNOW my stance.

    But – I did tuck shop today, am I still in trouble? (Well, apart from that ticket the cop gave me which is a totally ‘nother story!)

  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Dear Jeanie – I feel very guilty for depriving my niece of such an experience… tell Salina that she will be allowed EXTRA cuddling time when she comes back.
    *slinks away wracked with guilt*

    You are excused for looking – I am about to after a very virtuous day of mowing, vaccuuming, cooking and blower-vaccing. Oops… did I say blower-vac? Don’t look at me like that… I’m arthritic and need all the help I can get!


  • Andrea

    Oh they are so tiny!! I can’t believe how small they still look!! So cute!! I would take them all if I were aloud to!! We have two dogs here already!!

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