• The Bush

    Wordless Window

    Ever felt like you were facing the unknown? And it looked intriguing, and a bit confronting, but all-in-all, compelling! And on closer inspection, decided you wanted it! But no matter how hard you tried… You just couldn’t quite get at…

  • All posts

    ‘Awwww’ alert!!

    Apparently I have been a little bit slack in the puppy photo posting department… According to certain sources, I have been phaffing around with other unimportant issues like polocrosse and music and weddings. … Not that we haven’t been completely…

  • All posts

    Sheeeee’s Baaaackkk!!!

    This post (I’m afraid) is just a teaser… all froth and bubble and no substance at all! … But I have been off researching some really important subjects for this blog. The things I’ve had to immerse myself in (purely…

  • Horses

    Dash spurred to action…

    Remember how we visited the Polocrosse this week?…How it was all fast and furious? Sweaty and exciting? Well it inspired more than me (and my trusty Nikon)… Dash and TLW were also enthralled…… In the past year or so, Dash…

  • The Bush

    The Old Saddleroom

    As you may have picked up, I love old stuff. I need to say that upfront. I love it – especially through the lens of my D100. Old stuff like this. And this. But sometimes old stuff is, well, not…

  • The Bush

    Turps and time…

    A clearing sale is an amazing place to be. Especially in the Aussie bush. It’s social. It’s hectic. It’s competitive. And (when you are catering for the hordes of bargain hunters) it’s busy. Real busy. The one my son’s school’s…

  • The Bush

    Autumn hues and Mother’s Day

    The season is a-changin’ around Granite Glen… We’ve had our first fogs and frosts… And the leaves of our Liquid Amber tree is providing an Autumnal display of vivid proportions… From magenta to yellow and cracklin’ brown… (I feel a…