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Why Am I Here?

It’s a question that’s been asked about this blog…
both to my face and elsewhere!
And I think I should answer it, right here, right now

Why do I blog?

Why do I choose to share my life with the world at large?

Why put myself and family out there?
They are good questions really… worth asking.
Because by nature I am a reasonably private person.
My husband is even more so.
We’re not the kind to go places and cry out “Look at Meeeeee!”.
Not even after a few quiet ones…

And I have seen enough of the world to know there are crazies out there who could take the information I share and try to do something weird with it…
And yet, here we are.
My sister had tried to talk me into doing a blog for ages, but although it was clearly a fabulous outlet for her poetic and language talents, to me they seemed a bit well, navel-gazing and time-wasting (oh, Dear Lord, how right I was!). But then she sent me to the Pioneer Woman’s site and I saw how well Ree captured and shared her little corner of the world. How she used her amazing photos to share and inspire. Now I don’t include myself in the same league as PW. The woman is funny and talented and apparently needs no sleep at all. But still I thought: I can try that, it might be fun (and I was right!).
To be honest, waaaaay back when I started this speck on the Internet landscape, I really saw it as just somewhere to file my photos. Perhaps a place for my kids to come one day, to see what Mummy had been up to, what life was like when they were little. A glorified photo album, if you like.
But as I have gone along, muddling my way through Blogger and the gazillion passwords I seem to need, this blog seems to have morphed into something else.

The focus has changed a little. A bit more of “me” is there.
And I have also become aware that many people I know in my day-to-day life visit here. Some have been invited, others have stumbled on me. At first I was a bit self-conscious and then I adjusted – I’m well and truly outed and I choose to live with it.
Embrace it even.

Not many of my locals or friends leave comments (yet) but they come and check in. Sometimes they ring me and tell me they like my little “place in space”. That’s sweet. Some look and say nothing. That’s cool too. Not everyone is as at ease with the concept of strangers looking in on our corner of the world as I have become.
And I’m betting many don’t realise I can see their visits through the wonders of modern technology… heh heh!
Hello guys!!!
Hey Mum!
Love y’all!

Don’t get me wrong, I used to worry about it – putting myself out there. What if neighbours judged me on my naivety or got offended if they were mentioned, or maybe if they were not mentioned? What if there are paedophiles or freaks looking? But I got over it. Only those close to us really know where we live, and people who have actual directions still have trouble finding their way here, so I reckon we’re OK. Anyone who has found me through questionable searches (again, thanks to my stat counter for this snippet of info) seems to head off as soon as they realise it’s not THAT kinda site.
Oh, and the neighbours? They are pretty straight-up, and are unlikely to let me get away with anything! So I’m sure I’ll get a roasting if I step outa line!!
But this blog offers lots of unforseen opportunites too.
For instance, I love the concept that city people…

…can taste a little country… …and even if they find it different and foreign to their own lives, they can see that we have much in common with them too. (After all, I was a city slicker for a good two decades!). ‘My’ city folk come from the beach and a few of our Big Smokes, and even from Canberra. I hope that by giving you a small window into our world, then city and country can draw a little closer together somehow. It’s really something that excites me (I know, I know, I get excited easy!)
And it seems that even those of your from the other side of the world can taste a little slice of Australia without having to actually brave the snakes and goannas first-hand! There seem to be many return visitors from overseas – especially America and Canada. I have no idea why you keep on coming, but I love it!
And I quite like the idea that people I may never otherwise meet, but who may have walked a little of the same road, crawled through the same tunnels, clambered over the same hurdles, as I have may get to see what “happens in the end”. I might be able, in my simple little way, to help.

But when push comes to shove, I still want this blog to be somewhere my kids can visit and see
who their Mum was… and is.

How much she loved them.

How much she loved her part of the world.
How her SSB helped make their lives complete.
How bad her taste in music was.
How lovely her friends (both local and online) are.
How much she reveled in recording her day-to-day life, and got joy from the little things.
She wasn’t always like that.
And she’s nowhere near perfect.
Hopefully, that’s part of what makes her a bit interesting.
Because it’s how I look through these eyes that really matters…
And these eyes…

And I cannot forget these eyes (NB that shiner was not my fault!)
Oh, and her eyes too!
Hey there Yvette, yeah you too!
Love you girl!
So I guess I blog because of them, and because of my Nikon and because I can…
What do YOU like about my little blog?
And to keep the balance, what do you dislike, and what would you like to see more/less of?
Let me have it, friends!!
Signing off from Granite Glen…
and my little speck on the Internet.


PS I am trialling this new font colour on advice from this post… what do you think? Easier to read??


  • Leslie

    I like looking at the bottle trees – they remind me of how I spent my “formative years”, from 13 to 17, out in Roma.

  • Pencil Writer

    BB! Please just keep going as you have! Even though I’m on the other side of the world, I feel a “sisterly” connection. I love seeing your children and surrounding and finding out how those of you at Granite Glen function.

    I’ve always enjoyed traveling and reading and learning about other people, their interests, challenges, triumphs and joys. Your blog touches on all those and more. And, through your blog, I’ve met your sister, Jeanie, and Allison and the Kewl Girls and others through them.

    I might never meet you in person in this life, nor Jeanie, nor Allison, or others–like the Pioneer Woman who lives relatively close to me–actually closer than most of my family–but I feel a kinship with you all, simply because we share little bits of our lives with each other–just like family.

    So, dear Sister, keep it coming. Keep loving the things you do that bless the lives of others. And thanks for the reciprocal relationship. I look forward to your blog and your comments on mine. (Huge Smile!) Hugs.

  • Karen

    I’m from the South in U.S., and I spent some formative years in the bush of Africa. I love seeing how other people around the world live their day-to-day lives. And I love the shot of the cool tree and the bright orange dirt road!

  • jeanie

    I only come because I am your sister and you know how to make me cry in the best ways!!!

    Love you and I love and admire your work. I am glad I gave you a push – how else would I have met all your readers?

  • debby

    You know what I love best? I love reading about your life, and your sister’s, and everyone else that I’ve met in blog-land, I like reading these tiny details, and finding out that really, we’re not all that different. I find myself gasping and saying, “Oh, my gosh! Me too!!!!”

  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Leslie – you wish shall be my command!!! More bottle trees … grooviest tree on the planet… on the way!

    PW – thanks so much. I do try and get to other blogs and love yours (whatever happened to that nun?). Unfortunately after living my everyday life, being mum, wife and ‘cattle-woman’ and writing my own posts, I don’t have too much time left! I’ll be back to you soon!

    Karen – that sounds totally interesting! I shall have to check you out closer (although see above response to Pencil Writer!).

    Jeanie – you spell-weaver you!!! Lucky you have to come, cause you ARE my sister and the reason I am here… I promise to help with those cooking pics soon!

    Debby – and here I thought you just loved me for my pups!!! Do you mean you don’t want more goanna photos?? Really??

  • debby

    Do you notice that I keep coming back even though you heartlessly keep posting those flipping reptile pictures? Have you noticed? Why do you think that is? It’s because I think that the cast of charactors at Granite Glen is pretty darn fine, and I’m willing to overlook the icky stuff. Puppies were a definate plus though.

  • jeanie

    lol – of course you want to help with those cooking photos – you KNOW that you get to EAT the rewards and have heard me boast – errr – wax lyrical about that pork curry!

  • Pencil Writer

    None such nun. I know I confuse folks. Sister–as in a familial (is that the right word spelled right?) as in sisterhood, you know. Well, maybe you were being punny and I’m just way too tired to figure things out and. Ok. I’ll shut up now. Ignore what I said, it really doesn’t make sense to me either.

  • WT

    Women are always so supportive, guys….not so much. But the upside is that we tend to give constructive criticism, and here’s mine:

    The blog content and prose are great, no changes needed there at all, but from a readability perspective, white text on black background can be off-putting to quite a few people, and centre justified text can be pretty hard to read (plus you’re never sure if it’s poetry or prose).

    I hope that’s of use to you, if not then just discard it.

    BTW, Ree is a friend of mine.

  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Welcome WT… and no, I am not scared off my some constructive criticism (thinking I REALLY need to introduce you guys to my Dad real soon!!). I have slightly altered the colour of font for readability – does it help? And lucky you, being a mate of the great P-Dub!Thanks heaps!!!

    Sadly I am too much of a photographer and not enough of a sub-editor to change the whole black background-with-centred text thing. Feel free, everyone, to comment on the colours and layouts. Perhaps you can help WT sway me!!

  • Tracey

    I love (and envy!!) pretty much everything about your blog. Funny the only constructive criticism I would have given would have been the centred text thing too! (I’ve also never been a big fan of the white text on black, and some people’s blogs I skip because of it. But I haven’t had the same problem with yours – maybe because I realise that the black background really REALLY sets off your wonderful photos.)

  • auds at barking mad

    Hello from the east coast (the lobster filled part of it) of the U.S.

    I found you through Bossy’s site. Although whilst I enjoy her site immensely and love reading her comments, I myself am far too timid to leave a comment because she’s , well she’s Bossy after all! *lol*

    My hubby (the Brit) and I think your blog is brilliant and your photographs are amazing. I look forward to coming back…often.

  • Lavinia Ladyslipper

    What a post! Amazing, articulate…you’ve said it all, and so beautifully.

    I like coming here, to see something that is so foreign…I am one of your Canadian visitors….

    Have never been to Australia and may never get there in this lifetime, but here’s a piece of it, so friendly and informative, and nice photos too, and your smile!

  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Lavinia – you make me blush!! Like WT said above, you girls are all so lovely to me… and I do hope you see the real thing (Australia) one day. It’s totally the best place in the world (heh heh!) Cause I am coming to Canada to see what the fuss is about!!!

    Tracey – thanks! I love my black background (I send emails in black too which drives my friends crazy when they try and print them out!). Everyones photos look better on black – try it!!!


  • Me & Boo

    What a beautiful gift you’re creating for your children. The thing I’ve noticed about your blog is every word seems to come from your heart… no wonder Jeanie ends up in tears (Hi Jeanie).

    I personally like the black on white text and think it shows off your amazing photos to best advantage.

    Keep doing what you doing it 🙂

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