The Bush

The Great Escape…

I was trawling through my archives of unused images today (read here: great enormous drifts of jpeg files floating around my hard drive) … and chanced upon some little snaps…

Remember back when we were providing the support crew for SSB as he manfully chainsawed a giant tree from a fence at the dipyards? Back when Dash discovered the most amazing piece of (as yet unutilised) Cirque de Soleil equipment right there in the yards?? Well, today’s little by-play (in the following vignette) took place just before the Granite Glen circus act got underway…

The bush is an amazing place to live – especially when you are a kid. You only have to look closely at the nooks and crannies around you to chance upon the most incredible things. This could just be any old timber gate, anywhere on the property. But it’s something else as well…

It’s home to this little fella. He had been peacefully resting from his hard morning of doing whatever the hey snails do. And then Dash discovered him. And his life became something out of a shell-life horror movie.

Giant (well to a snail) human fingers poked and prodded, desperate to GET AT HIM. Loud voices called and encourged and cajoled and threatened him to COME OUT.

And then, after a small lull with lowered voices included an older female voice (suspiciously like Dash’s mum, actually) a trail of leaves were strategically placed to tempt him out into open terrain.

This snail was not stupid though… he sprinted (at the alarming rate of around one centimetre/minute) DIRECTLY UP. Still out of finger reach.

And away from whatever the hey poison was on those blessed leaves.

Luckily for this little snail, Dash spotted this in the yard next door.

And the rest, as they say in the classics, is history.


  • debby

    And then the snail lived happily ever after, with a marvelous story to tell his little snails and grand snails about the day that he had to run (at a snail’s pace) from a giant for his very life.

    The end.

    (That thing looks HUGE.)

  • Alison

    Lol – Cute snail story. What a clever little creature! (No offence, Dash!)
    I’m still in love with the German Wheel, though. Those things rock!

  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Deb… who knows how much longer the snail escaped the natural predators at the dip yards? I’d like to think he lived to a ripe old age (in snail years)… he was certainly a cluey customer!

    Karen – Hello! A dipyard is the set of yards (I think they might be called pens? over there) around a long “cow bath”. The dip is like a plunge bath with treatment for ticks – they jump in one end and come out wet and a bit indignant the other. But they are happier little vegemites for the experience, being rid of the parasites that can make them quite sick. Hope that helps…

    Alison and Jayne… snail brains are clearly not as insignificant as one might expect!!


  • debby

    Er. What is a ‘cluey customer’.

    Happy little vegemites. That always makess me laugh when you guys say that. I’m actually quite pleased with myself that I now ‘get the joke’. Happy little vegemites….bwahahahahahaha!

  • Karen

    That helps immensely! My Aussie friend puts Vegemite in his burgers. My kiwi friend likes Vegemite, too. I thought it kind of tasted like a vitamin.

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