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Ekka explorers

It’s a fact: I love heights.
Always have – looooove looking down over the edge of tall buildings. Or hanging out the side of a motorised hang-glider a few hundred metres up over Noosa, or a helicopter over bushfires… the trait served me well as a news hound. I just love the view from up on high…
I’m a freak like that.
So I have always wondered if my offspring would inherit this aberrant heights-lovin‘ gene… Or would they be normal with a natural caution of steep drops. Our recent visit to the Ekka (Queensland’s biggest show/fair) helped explore this possibility.
Just minutes after we arrived at Day One of the ten-day event, SSB and I sipped coffee and contemplated the gazillion rides, displays, judging arenas, (and various ways of spending a small fortune) when we spotted this:

And I asked Dash and TLW if they’d like to try that big red ride out? The one that goes about forty metres up into the sky?
They thought about it… with varying degrees of enthusiasm for Mum’s brain wave…

The females took an immediate vote on it, and we joined the queue…

Hats off and hang on…
Dash is looking a little apprehensive (and suffering a bit of hat hair!) while TLW is ready to rumble!
Tummy’s got left behind slightly as we started on the upward cycle… NB The booths are glass-enclosed and air-conditioned – just in case you are wondering where the seat belts are!
Lifting up, up and away!
And while we’ve only lived away from the city for 18 months, our kids have very few recollections of the “Big Smoke” and are as spellbound as any country kid glimpsing their first vista of crowds and city panoramas. And from the air…
It’s quite something!
It was just the first day of the Ekka, and things were still pretty quiet on the ground (compared to how it will be by now). And see those city buildings in the background? I used to work in one of those – in my cream Cue suit, my red leather pumps and slicked down serious office-hair. That was seven years and a lifetime ago…

I snap out of my walk down memory lane as we head towards the top of the wheel’s cycle – I think that could be our shadow about sixth from the left… or not. Heh heh. The pavilions below are chockablock with stands selling every “essential” item one could possibly “need”, jewellery, showcasing horses, chooks, cattle, produce, and an avalanche of imported goodies. With salespeople ready to “do a deal”! Just ask SSB. And Dash. They are suckers for a good deal.. I kinda like the view from this distance better actually. I’m not a hard sell kinda gal!
But my experiment with genetics and kids and non-fear of heights?

Well, see for yourself…

Dash is warming up to the idea…

I love that Perris Wheel thing Mum… Can we do it again?”

This one? Yup. That’s my girl!

(Happy Ekkaing Queenslanders!)


  • Leslie

    Great way to take photos. 🙂

    Last time I wwent there I was having my 13th birthday party there with a few friends. I am going up to Brissie tomorrow morning but will not be anywhere near there. Will be aways past Redcliffe.

    Going up to help out a sister who is looking after our mom with a newly broken shoulder.

  • jeanie

    Oh dear to Leslie – good luck to your Mum.

    As you know, it is not a natural trait, nor a naturally inherited trait. But the Ferris Wheel I can stomach.

    Zipper – ewww Rhubarbwhine, I am very happy to steer well clear of that!

  • Debby

    Gotta say BB, I am not a ‘high’ girl. I got squeamish *gasp* looking at the pictures of TLW and Dash looking over the edge. Was relieved to read that the car was glassed in. For a moment there, I thought you and SSB both had taken leave of your senses.

  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Leslie – I do hope your Ma is OK and the Queensland weather keeps on being gorgeous. See if you can make time for the Ekka!!

    Shirl – a girl after my own heart… unfortunately the BB crazy mix also includes a little claustrophobia – henceforth and therefore: No Zipper for me!!! Post about your Ekka day??

    Jeanie – you may have missed out on the Daring gene, but it’s definitely heritable: eg Pagi. I’m blaming him anyway!!

    Debby – you and Jeanie both. I was actually amazed at how clear the outside view was through the glass – it was fabulous. Dash and SSB were normal and hesitant, and I KNOW its weird and that I should be nervous, but my nerves come through as a bit of a buzz. My own natural high… geez, should’ve put that in the post!!

  • Karen

    Heights make my heart palpitate! My hubby and I honeymooned in Chicago. When we went to the top of the Sears Tower, Hubby was pressed up against the glass, looking down, and I was 15 feet from the edge, digging my fingernails into the wall. There was a chicken-wire enclosed balcony, but Hubby had to venture out there on his own! *grin*

  • Mikey

    Whew! That makes me queasy just looking at the pictures!!!! Yikesy! You are some kind of woman!
    And thanks for telling us they are enclosed. I did wonder where the heck the seatbelts were, lol.
    Very cool, girlie. You rock!

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