Oz Zoo by BB: a visual assault
G’day Steve… the man was looking at us from almost every vantage point on the road in, and from monitors scattered throughout the Zoo. It could have been creepy but was somehow kinda reassuring. It certainly helped assure Dash and TLW they were in the right place! After all, for many months my son actually thought Steve Irwin and Australia Zoo were one and the same thing… “There’s Stralya Zoo, Mummy, on the tee bee again!”
And while it’s not like we don’t have a gazillion animals around here at Granite Glen, our kids were excited beyond belief at this particular adventure. They are utterly addicted to Bindi the Jungle Girl (Dash is quite convinced they could get married, even though she is four years older. Hang on a sec, that’s the same degree of cradle-snatching I have on his father… watch out Ms Irwin!). Dash quotes Steve Irwin endlessly: “Those animals are be-oooo-teeful Mum – and they are being ‘dangered!” and “It’s a little ripper… er, Mum, what’s a ‘ripper’?”
So having been well and truly brainwashed – through the marvels of DVDs and kids’ television – before entering the gates of the once-modest, now-multi-squillion dollar Zoo, my kids were primed to the experience. SSB… well he was excited to get an entry discount for being an RACQ member! Keep it in mind people…
Nonetheless our six hours there were quite something … it’s really best I shut up and show you what I mean. After all, I took several thousand photos… if you are game for a few, get a cuppa and settle in.
Please note that I may not shut up completely… c’mon, you regulars knew that already! I will add comments as uttered by kids along the way… ready? Been to the loo? Alright…
First stop, Koalas… hello!! Hello??
Dash: Are they alive?Is that all they do, Mum?
Me: No. They eat leaves too.
There were feathered creatures too… they flying around variety and the kept safely away from people variety…
Dash: Did you know that Cass’waries can kill people with their horn?
Me: Really? I thought that was Rhinos?
Dash: Yup. Them too.
Dash and TLW fed elephants like seasoned professionals…
(i.e. no screaming or soiling of underwear).
It was a bit wet, but pretty ‘mazing!
Then Dash worked off some adrenaline on the jumping castle.
Me: Pull your jeans up please!! (I was ignored, as usual!)
Next stop: close-up with baby alligators…
Then we entered the Crocoseum where this look prevailed on my children’s faces… OK probably mine too… luckily it was too cold for flies! TLW decided to chew a nail as she watched in awe…

Of course there were slimy slidy legless things too…
Beautiful and shudder-worthy at the same time!
And tortoises. I heart tortoises. I adored Harriet who used to star here and passed away around the time Steve left us – I mourn them both. This dude (above) is a slightly different variety, but still possesses that same ancient fascination enjoyed by the fabulous Harriet.
We even fed kangaroos… Dash was besotted with this guy, who held his hand still with a paw to munch the pellets from his palm…
But for me, Bush Babe the nature-lover, seen-everything, been-there-done-that wench… this sight (just a couple of metres from us as we walked along a pathway) was the piece de resistance…
Now THAT is cool…
Signing off for a wee break
(I really need to start taking my own advice!)
Oh, I loved the kids’ expressions! The snakes were shudder worthy, but the kids were shutter worthy.
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Ha… too clever Deb! You have a way with words… even if you do love ridiculous cat conversations. And Mum, if you are reading, please DO NOT visit Deb’s blog. She loves bad grammar!! Heh heh…
Oh my goodness, a CHEETAH??? That is too cool. Love the elephants all lined up for munchies too. And the snakes…. and the wombat.
Makes our mountain lions and coyotes seem so………yawn!
Pencil Writer
Fantastic snaps! Love Dash’s and TLW’s expressions. Priceless! Animals are so facinating, aren’t they?
And the BIG cats! I LOVE big cats. My goal (however impractical) is to have a Siberian Tiger live close by–Hey! AFTER the millenium–you know when the lion and the lamb shall lie down together time. When I won’t have to be worrying about being dinner, or having anyone I care about being dinner, or a scratching post or the like.
Great photos, per usual, BB. Can we have more? Please?
That is one beautiful zoo!
Can’t believe that Cheetah was walking around like a dog on a leash. That is one beautiful cat.
Are you watching the Olympics?
Pencil Writer
Oh, not to be rude, I don’t like being rude, so forgive me if I sound that way, but snakes aren’t slimy. Really! Their scales are very dry. I’ve handled two or three–cautiously. (Only one was supposed to be dead, and I don’t think it was poisonous!
Watching the crocs reminds me greatly of an aligator “farm” about 30 miles from here. Those cousins have way too much in common for my comfort. (You mentioned, BB, that it wasn’t warm enough for the files to be out and about–what about the smell? When we watched them feeding the gators here, the smell nearly knocked me dead! Those big lizzards apparently like their meat rotted nearly off the bone, or something like that. Yuck and eeeeewwwwwwww.
Great one, BB – just what I need this morning to help ‘Salina get out of bed (I entice her with your photos).
Great pictures!!!!
Those are great photos !
The look on the kid’s faces says it all 🙂
In Mildura yrs ago the Golden River Zoo used to have a cheetah (leopard maybe?) out on a leash and would let kids pat her.
I CANNOT believe you ratted me out to your mom….
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Debby – how could I not? You practically DARED me. She’s only little (of course her blue glare has been known to drop grown men, but I’m more likely to feel the heat of that than you!).
Jayne – this cheetah did not look tame. She looked… well… coiled and ready to spring free at any moment. Definitely wild. And very adrenaline-inducing to be near!
Karen and Jeanie – thanks, glad to be of assistance!!
PW – we weren;t close enough to smell if the bird carcase they fed the croc was rotting (thanks goodness!). And I KNOW snakes are lovely and dry, but they LOOK slimy and that’s as close as I ever need to get. Actually Steve Irwin himself made me touch one, one day, it still gave me the chills. And you are moving to Siberia?? Gads woman!!!
Melinn – thanks love! Yes I am watching the Olympics (well snatches of it while being Mum, wife, chief cook and bottlewasher, weaner handler, book-keeper and blog-addict). Go our equestrians and our swimmers!! Although I do have a bit of a soft spot for your Michael Phelps – he’s incredible!!! And seemingly humble… love that.
Remudamom – good to hear from you! I still cannot comment on your blog – is it anti-Aussie?? Kidding. And no, mountain lions and coyotes do NOT seem tame…
GReat to see y’all!
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Melinn – maybe try this email instead: bushbabeaustralia@gmail.com
And I’ll stop trying to be so tricky (who do I think I am?? Jeanie??)
Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
This link made me think of your cheetah straightaway.
I would hate to think what would happen if you were double dog dared…
Sorry to be so American, but what is involved with weaner handling?
I’m sure it’s not what I’m thinking.
I’ll try that e-mail.
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Debby – haha! HA!
Melinn – click here to see about weaner handling…
Will try and check my G mail now!!!