
Bush Babe’s Masochist Lesson of the Day

I ache tonight.
With aches in places no person should have aches.
And it’s no-one’s fault but my own.
Because this week I severely over-estimated my abilities.
I decided that despite:
  1. Not having ridden seriously for about 2 decades;
  2. Being about 20kg heavier than my ideal riding weight;
  3. Having a severely wrecked knee (which three complete reconstructions have failed to rejuvenate to its former glory);
  4. Having a rack that these days more resembles heaving watermelons than the nice tidy grapefruits they once aspired to…

…I would spend not just a few hours, not just a morning… but TWO WHOLE DAYS mustering on a horse.

Oh how I miss those knees. And that nice neat torso…

Now as you may know, I LOVE horses. Adore them.

Could look at them forever and take photos of them for forever and a day. But seeing me clambering aboard the poor unfortunate animal chosen to cart me around the paddocks was something less than inspirational. Dad swears he actually saw his black mare’s back sway under the pressure. Folks, it wasn’t pretty!

I have survived (as, you will be relieved to know, have the horses) and learned the following vital lessons:

  1. I can still get around a mob of cattle and get generally into the ‘right spot’ to move them to a predetermined position. As long as said cattle don’t move TOO fast.
  2. I need to lose weight. Not for vanity reasons (although honey it can’t hurt!) but for the sake of any steed unfortunate enough to find itself underneath moi.
  3. Ibuprofen is a marvellous thing. Truckloads of the stuff. I can hardly feel any pain below my ribcage at the moment.
  4. It is possible to canter with just ONE HAND holding the reins, and the other providing vital support to my reinforced scaffolding (AKA 16F sports bra) in restraining my, er, watermelon-like bosom (or ‘shestessas TLW says) from impairing my vision every 1.3 seconds.

Here endeth the Bush Babe Masochistic Lesson of the Day.

PS Sorry girl!


  • Andrea

    Oh dear! That does sound painful! I too need to loose some weight for the sake of my poor animals!! Hee hee!!
    I do love the old picture of you!!
    And nothing can ever be better than a nice sports bra to keep the girls in check while riding!! LOL!!

  • Tami W.

    I too hail from the people of the watermelon!

    And….I have a wonderful brassiere…I call it the Iron Maiden. Besides the fact that you have zero bounce while riding with the darn thing on. You can also stand up straight, look down and see your feet. Thats right….while wearing it, YOU CAN SEE YOUR FEET! Which for people of the watermelon tribe…that is truly tear provoking. The first time I tried the darn thing on…I just stood and stared at my feet. Then I called my friend DeeDee, who recommended it….she said “Whats up?” I said “I’m looking at my feet.” She said “I totally understand.”

    I get you name of the brassiere and email you.

  • Anonymous

    You have my deepest sympathies. I need to lose some too, I’m sure my horses would appreciate it.

    We are selling the cutest little pony for some friends that had to move back to town and couldn’t take her with them. Too bad Australia is so far away…….she’d be perfect for Dash.

    I had my Australian saddle altered to look as much like one of yours as possible. I love it. I’ve yet to do the Man from Snowy River thing yet, although my dh does frequently.

    Off to read the rest of your entries, I’ve missed a few!


  • jeanie

    I am wondering what the man from Snowy River thing is, now?

    See – something shiny and I forget my comment.

    Oh – that’s right – so if the car doesn’t work you are riding over this afternoon?

    he he he

  • Debby

    Oh, golly. Trying to think of comforting words, but can’t. Transfixed by the idea of watermelons hanging off my front. Gads. Better check on an Iron Maiden, BB.

    Oh. And after two days of riding, you might want to check on new briefs as well. Thickly padded, perhaps?

    What do you do for fun?

  • Bush Babe

    Remudamom: “Man from Snowy River thing” – does that mean riding down the mountain like a torrent down it’s bed?? Ah, I love that poem. Might put it up on the site – or does everyone already know it? And you’d better read here if you missed it!

    Debby: it WAS fun! Did that not shine through?? Oh, that’s right. I could only move my fingers at the time of writing this post!! Nah – humungous fun. Esp when you are FIT!!

    Everyone: I may have exaggerated slightly. They might not QUITE be watermelons, but by heaven’s the velocity they got up (despite my reinforced scaffolding) was fairly painful.

    Jeanie: expect TLW and I to canter up on dusk (very McLeods Daughters!) Heh.

    Tami – awaiting your email with bated breath!


  • rhubarbwhine

    NO WONDER you laughed at my Bra fitting post. You are from the watermelon farm too?
    Dontcha hate that they are big ENOUGH already, and then weight gain makes them hugerererer?

  • Robertson Studios

    Hi ya…what part of the country are you in? My oldies live up in central QLD…we were jsut up there visiting. Love your photos!

  • Pony Girl

    Hee Hee! Welcome back to the saddle! I am so glad to hear you have ridden again, after a long break! But yep, I bet you are in need of that ibupofen! Saddle soreness is the worst when you’re body isn’t used to it. There are stiff muscles you didn’t even know you had! 😉

  • Wrensong Farm

    I can SO sympathize about the soreness after not having ridden in so long. I agreed to a 4 day ride into the mountains with friends….I think it took me about a week to get back to normal. Also, the weight thing….I need to lose some myself….I felt bad for that barely 14 hand “pony” that hauled my butt around those 4 days!

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