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Break-up Day

Yesterday was break-up day.
Well, it was end-of-year day at Dash’s school anyway…
It was a free dress day, and here is my son, doing his best home boy impersonation.


Wass goin’ dowwwnnn?

High five!

OK. I’m not sure that ‘real’ home boys do high fives. But they do in this bush school in Queensland.

So there!

It was a big day for Dash, in his final few hours as a Grade One-er.

Here Dash’s teacher Mr C is presenting this home boy with his …

(wait for it)

Best Manners Award

Dash is quite famous for his “excuse me’s“.

Ah… the glory of the award is sinking in!
I was so proud! He even remembered his ‘thankyou’…

Of course, it was a slightly bittersweet day for Dash.

His beloved teacher of two years, Mr C, is heading off into the wide blue yonder

(well, the road south anyway).

He has seen our little man from a shy little fellow who reluctantly climbed aboard the dusty school bus as an almost-five-year-old with knobbly knees and huge sad eyes, to the confident enthusiastic bigger (marginally) boy who nearly always gets his “z’s” round the right way.

Of course, Mr C was pretty excited when Dash first arrived, being just the 5th boy in his school of 16 pupils. He was in need of the extra testosterone in the classroom! Anyway, as the formalities drew to a close yesterday, I thought is appropriate to get a record of this special relationship, so grabbed a snap this pair of characters.

What do you think?


Sorry, something caught in my eye.

Oh, and to quickly change the subject
before I disgrace myself by getting all soppy…

There was cake too..


  • Anonymous

    Mothers are allowed to “disgrace” themselves see our kids grow up. (sniff) what a handsome young ladd. I wish my teacher had been that handsome when I went to school!
    Theresa in Alberta

  • Kate

    Seriously, Mr. C is hot!

    Dash is such a sweet little man! He just looks like the nicest little guy, good job Mom 🙂

    It’s so sad that Mr. C is leaving! I imagine everyone has gotten quite attached over the past couple of years.

    That last pic of the cake face is priceless. I totally know how she feels.

  • Debby

    Little ‘cake face’ is adorable. And what a life lesson for us all. When the emotions get sloppy, dive into the cake. With both hands. It helps.

    Congratulations on raising a boy with manners. Mine all started out that way, hit a unmannerly bump in their teens, and now are reverting back to manners now that they’re grown. Thank goodness.

  • A Novel Woman

    Ah, so sweet. He’ll always remember that teacher. I remember Miss Campbell from Grade One. She called me Miss Know-it-all. I sure remember HER.

    Your Dash has such a sweet face. I can’t believe my guy isn’t that small anymore. He just walked in the door and shocked his mother with something he calls his “exam beard”. He and his buddies are all letting their beards grow and they’ve got a “group shave” planned for next week. I’m telling you, the time goes by like THAT.

  • Andrea

    It’s so funny that you guys are getting into summer!! Such fun! It’s nice to see warm weather when it’s a bit chilly outside here.

    Dash makes a incredible cool hommie G. And I do believe they do special hand shakes or high fives!! LOL!!

    Congrats Dash on his award!! Fun!!
    And cake!! I love cake!!

  • jeanie

    This time (in fact, exactly this time) last year I did a post about break-up days at that school from my memories (and you know how glorified they are)!

    Here it is

    Congratulations Dash!!! You know he is renowned for such great manners – ‘Salina’s cousin on the other side STILL remembers what a great and polite little fellow he was.

  • Bush Babe

    Theresa – welcome!! Nice to ‘hear’ your voice. And thanks for the pass card on the sook-factor.

    Mom L – you too! Thanks for taking the time to visit and comment (and share your words of wisdom).

    Kate – bad news dept: he was single for ages and then this sweet little Pom came along and snared him! But I shall keep you posted on available Aussie guys!!

    Debby – I have begun to brave myself already for the dimming of the manners star. *sigh*

    Pam – you and Deb are makin’ me nervous! Beards already. Dash did ask me the other day if the teeny tiny blond hairs on his chin needed shaving yet? Gads. Enough!

    Lesley and Shirl (RW) – my teaching connection! I totally understands Mr C moving to his new post – a choice to take him to bigger and better things. But we sure will miss him. We have a great teacher lined up to fill his place… life will go on but I love that Dash’s first teacher has been a positive influence on his life.

    Andrea – let them eat cake! And let me take their photos!

    Jeanie – I loved this post! I highly recommend it to all… dampers in the coals and watermelon. Great days…

  • Wrensong Farm

    That Dash! He is one handsome little fellow, and he’s got good manners? He’s going to have the ladies falling all over themselves!!:) You better get ready to fend them off!!

    Mr. C will definitely be a great memory for Dash, and a great way to start his education. Hopefully they can keep in touch!

    Loved little miss cake face! I haven’t been able to enjoy a piece of cake like that in awhile!! 🙂

  • Anonymous

    They grow too fast! Enjoy every minute!

    PS…while you are melting in unbelievable heat, we here in Portland, Oregon are in the midst of an ice/snow storm!

  • Rose

    Wow, I remember when I had special elementary teachers (we won’t go into how long ago it was lol) and that is definitely something to cherish. Having the right teacher can make all the difference. And boy, your son is going to be a heartbreaker some day, what a cutie!! (And if that’s your daughter eating the cake you must have passed on some pretty genes cuz she’s a sweetheart too!)

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