But wait… there’s more!
And proceed to rain somewhere else… leaving us hot and sticky and heading for the pool!
And it’s not only the humans who have had a tough time dealing with the weather (OK, I have some airconditioning here, but I have been outside occasionally!). The waters (troughs for cattle and horses) have been under a lot of pressure, keeping the boys busy making sure we have enough pumped and ready for the thirsty mouths.
I decided to go for a drive yesterday to check out how our brand-new addition to Granite Glen was coping:
You remember Admiral’s son?
The as-yet-unnamed colt born just two days ago…
Hello little darlin’…
I see you are right for liquid refreshments there, then?
Hang on… what’s that, there in the grass??

Should I creep a little closer?

Mama has settled down now, and is happily chewing some lucerne hay.
All over her panting baby girl!
She seems OK.
Not responding to my touch very much, but not too distressed either…
She is sooooooo soft…
(and I sooooo need a manicure… and fingernails. I left them in the city!)
How is this for a brand new ‘fingernail’?
Hey little girl…
Amazing photos! Really amazing!
What a precious baby! As a city girl, I would have freaked out thinking something was wrong with it… but you seem to have everything under control 😉 It looks so helpless and still…
beautiful up-close photos of its fur and hoof…
Thank you.
Gosh BB, it’s all happening there! What a beautiful part of nature to share before Christmas.
Lord have mercy…I don’t stop by for a couple of days and I miss the birth of two foals. How exciting to have Admiral’s offspring to carry on his legacy. What a Christmas gift!
Congratulations from the States, Grandma! Or are you an Auntie?
Sweet, sweet babies, made all the sweeter by circumstances!
The Texas Woman
I was gooing to call you grandma too! What a fabulous Christmas gift, 2 beautiful babies.
*begins researching filly names…*
Bush Babe
Steviewren – thanks!
POT (sorry, gotta shorten everything!) – I was very worried initially. But her breathing seemed to be consistent and I did sent hubby up to check again later on. I was calm when I WROTE the post! Heh.
Gem, 7msn, cher and M+B – it’s quite incredible timing really. While they were both with Admiral around the same time, the mare that foaled second had been with him much longer, and they only overlapped a short while. But they have been hanging together ever since and had clearly picked out ‘their spot’ weeks ago. Wonderful Christmas reminders of a special daddy horse, that’s for sure…
Debby – you go girl!! A head start on the upcoming comp, methinks!
Cactus Jack Splash
Wow, what a sweet little thing.
I pray that brother and sister do their daddy proud
okay seriously. i really didn’t think that i could melt any more than i did with the colt but this little filly is GORGEOUS!!!! She really is amazing. You are so lucky to have those two sweet babies for Christmas. And the fact that they have Admiral’s blood running through their veins is really just a miracle. Congratulations!
And look at this name for her: “Roxidedi” (WV) Tehe!!!
isnt it amazeing how long thier legs are when they are born, beautiful babies!
Right now balmy hot weather sounds great, it in the 30s here (0c) and snowing and supposed to get freezing rain tonight and tommorow.
A Novel Woman
You’ve heard that song “It’s Raining Men, Hallelujah!” right? I think it’s time for a new version, with foals.
Wow. So sweet. But the new one looks a bit pekid from the heat. She’s okay, right? Maybe you should send her here to cool off? It’s -16C right now. That would cool her off right quick.
Off to decorate the tree falalala.
A double delight – you lucky thing, you.
And yes, thanks for all the great shots too.
Oh she is darling!! I love how sweet and cute the new foals are!! We are getting two new foals in March. I can’t wait!! It’s so exciting that Admiral has left a legacy!!
Wrensong Farm
A colt AND a filly! How perfect! Congratulations to you and your mares!
OHHH she is beautiful! A good legacy for Admiral.