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Projects… Number 1

Mr Incredible has been busy this year. The man has quite literally worked himself to the bone (he has lost over 25kg since we arrived from the city) out in the paddock. And I am sorry to say that even when he arrives home for some much-needed and deserved ‘down time’, he has been put into service around the house. I’m not sure what union is supposed to look after him, but whoever it is is doing a shocking job!

So anyway, when he arrives all hot and sweaty and dusty and tired at the end of the day, he finds little ‘hints’ on my trusty whiteboard. Things like:
  • BBQ shelter (construct)
  • Vege garden (construct)
  • Remove old pool slide
  • Take down high tank
  • Whipper snip around yard
  • Tidy shed

Of course, I have check boxes instead of dots, because no list is complete without a proper check box (note to self: contact Blogger about including check boxes in formatting). There is little more satisfying in the world than ticking off a job-well-done. My life is that simple. Even if the job I am ticking off is done by someone else (say, my husband)… it’s a good feeling. Try it. You will notice that this list includes NOTHING I can attempt on my own. Mr I has even decided he likes my shins the way they are, and the whipper snipper is off limits! And I have put the shed off limits. I can barely keep the house under control – the shed is just scary.

So in the spirit of sharing my good fortune in marrying a man who is not only younger (heh), and very handsome (mmm), but also amazingly talented in the “handyman” department (no, I do not share!)… I give you Project Number 1.

The Pool BBQ shelter.

It had to fit into a landscape of things that have long been part of the Granite Glen vista. This is taken in the late afternoon light from the Love Shack end of the Pool. (heh! That sentence makes me smile. Simple. That’s me!)

And here is a detailed explanation of almost everything in that very busy photo… not so simple!

There was an enormous amount of digging, tree felling, barking, snigging, and lifting-up-with-tractoring. Not to mention swearing when we realised we had a triangle sail and a rectangle sail instead of two triangles. Did I mention that Mr I designed this little set-up? He did engineering for about six months and is therefore qualified in all matters technical and design-like.

Here he is lighting the BBQ for Violet’s birthday dinner – please ignore the horse yards in the background of this shot. And the furniture mover that doubled as a log relocator. And yes, the supports are supposed to be that angle. Something about forces and gravity. Ask Mr I.

Me? I just love that we have some shade in the middle of the day over the BBQ. So Mr I doesn’t get too sunburnt cooking. I love him hot and sweaty, but not really magenta and peeling! I think it looks pretty groovy, and fits right into our bush setting. Here one of Mr I’s brothers (leaning up against the fence, look hard!) is providing moral support in the barbecuing. It’s what Aussie men do at parties. Or anywhere for that matter. But that’s another story for another day…

I like this angle of the project… you knew I’d go for the visual appeal side of things there, didn’t you? Silhouettes and sunsets. And weird nautical balls in the foreground. Sweet.

Ah, and ticking off that checkbox? Awesome!

Now… do you want to see my vege garden??


  • Portia

    We call that a “Honey Do” list at our house.

    Please do share your vege garden, I miss the garden and fresh vegies this time of the year.

    When we have people over for dinner it does seem like the guys hang out at the grill and the women in the kitchen. Mic also needs a beer when he BBQ’s.

  • Mom L

    So that’s an Aussie BBQ – pretty fancy! Can’t write any more – I’ve got to go to bed. It’s 1:15 AM in this part of the world! Nancy in Atlanta

  • Pony Girl

    Projects, projects, they are neverending, aren’t they!? I guess you all aren’t getting snow around there, eh? I’m pretty envious of your need for shade from the blistering sun! Send some this way! 🙂

  • Debby

    No dear. First you have to thank him properly for the BBQ shelter. Then you move on to the next project.

    Young folk. You’ve gotta tell them everything.

  • Bush Babe

    Deb – oh, he got thanked! I don’t blog EVERYTHING (heavens, these “old folk”… gotta explain everything!) 🙂

    PG – trade you some sunshine for some snow. We need the precipitation badly!!!

    Mom L – the BBQ itself is more than 50 years old. Dad built it too – just brick and BBQ plates. Simple but effective.

    Portia – “Honey Do” – I like it!!

    Jayne and CJS – thanks guys!! It’s stayin’…


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