The Bush

Tough yet vulnerable

Bottle trees (from the boab family) fascinate me endlessly…Officially called Brachychiton rupestris (which sounds to me like some kind of carniverous dinosaur) is described as a succulent, drought-deciduous tree.

Which basically means (as far as I can deduce) that it stores water in it’s bulbous trunk for drought times (not unlike camels!) and sheds leaves when the going gets really tough.

It is an ancient-looking tree, yet wildly popular to modern landscapers
They are proud and solid and hardy-looking, yet will choose to grow best in the richest of soils and warmer locations
They can be messy in design, yet somehow almost bonsai-like in their deliberate artistry…

And despite the millions of years of existence as a species, the slightest injury to that unusual often-lifesaving trunk will inevitably fell them

I feel quite an affinity with this final observation.
Tough and sturdy-looking, yet soft-as-butter and totally vulnerable inside.


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