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Win something huuuge!

OK. It’s time.
As you may already know, my contests are a little different from most.
What happens is that I post a pic I like to call a ‘mystery photo’ (and often they are not very mysterious at all) and then YOU make up something wild and wacky to explain what that image might possibly be. As my Dad would say:
There is no need to ruin a good story with the truth!
If you have no idea what the hey I am talking about, here are some of the entries from previous contests. Just reading the outrageous and hilarious entries is always worth the click anyway!
And then, after you let loose with your imaginations, I look over the entries as I have yet another coffee, and I freak out as I realise how truly clever and creative my readers all are, and that I cannot possibly choose just one winner. And often more than one person gets a little somethin’. I’m hopeless.
For this contest, the winner/s get their choice of (are you ready for it) a
20″ x 32″ print
of any image I have taken
on this blog.
So if you have space on your wall, get your crazy caps on and go for it!
Here ’tis:

A little somethin’ to get you started…

It’s NOT a wing-wong for a goose’s bridle!

Comp closes Monday evening Oz time. Winners announced as soon as I read, digest, freak out, close my eyes and stab my finger at the screen to select an entry…

Have fun kids!


  • Andrea

    The county fair was always the best time for Billy Bob! He was the champion three years running in the watermelon eating contest. Well, this year he was going to have everyone beat. He made a fantastic contraption that would quickly chop up his watermelon and then slide it down a metal slide and straight into his mouth!! This was his best invetion ever!! He was sure to win!! And you know what, good old Billy Bob kept his champion ship!! Thanks to the Super Duper Watermelon chopper and slider!!

    Open Wide!!

  • Mom L

    Young Dash the Mighty won first place in his school ranch mechanics class when he invented the “snow” mill just before winter set in. (Do you have snow in Australia?) He could shovel snow in at one end and, as the new colts played on the mill, their weight turned it and sent showers of delightful snow cascading off the attached slides.

    Nancy in Atlanta

  • Pam

    “‘Course there’s always one, even after all the training, that stands at the opening of the plane screaming “What if my parachute don’t open…what if my parachute don’t open”. Holds up the cue, you know?… those that want to get it over and done with.Stand over there, back of the plane, I say, out of the way.Next thing,bang, don’t know what’s hit ’em – down that chute quicker’n you can say ragin’ ripcords.And you know what? That parachute ALWAYS opens. Funny ’bout that.”

  • bigSIS

    Yah! Another one. But BB, I never got my last prize. Did you send it out??

    Here goes….

    Turner and George walked around the big red rock for the fourth, or was it the fifth, time.
    “George, you got us lost again!”
    “Naw, I told you, we have to walk around the rock so many time before we get to the water hole!”
    “Whatever! I say you’re lost,” Turner was still upset about the last time George got him lost and Daddy took him out to the shed to remind him to be home on time for dinner “From now on!”.
    “If we don’t find the water hole in 10 minutes I’ll have to go home,” he whined.
    “Then you’ll be the one missin’ out!” George laughed and ran off, seemingly knowing where he was headed.
    Turner followed quickly muttering about this being the last time he fell for any of George’s grand adventures.
    As Turner and George broke through a tree line that they had not penetrated the other times around, Turner spied the water hole.
    “Gee, that’s nothing to be excited about,” he said, disappointed.
    “Oh yeah? Follow me,” George skirted the small pond. Once they had reached the far band, Turner saw the ‘contraption’ George had been so excited about.
    Turner didn’t know exactly what he was looking at but he knew what they were going to use it for. George had dragged it up to the bank and it made the perfect slide.
    “But George, we’ll land right in the muck!”
    “Nuh-uh!” George raced up the spokes and slid down the sheet metal and disappeared under the water. He rose to the surface a few yards out and splashed Turner.
    “Come on in! The water’s fine!”
    Turner climbed up and slid down as he had seen George do. It was glorious fun! He found that the ol’ pond was actually a clear, deep, cool spring that cooled him from the blazing summer sun.
    Turner and George had a great time that day. Turner was late for dinner. He didn’t even mind the trip to the wood shed that night. He just made sure he and George left for the spring, and the awesome slide, earlier the next day so they could make quick work of that big red rock.

  • Country Girl

    I don’t have anything clever to add at all! But am thinking it’s a rung on either a water or a feed wheel.

    Fun contest, Bush Babe!

  • Jayne

    The Cow Tipping Contest was in danger of being cancelled by the Occ Health and Safety inspector with the whole population wailing and gnashing their teeth until Mr Incredible invented the Ever So Gentle Cow Tipper – which doubles as a spud digger on weekends in the vegie patch.

  • Scotty

    Earth had suffered greatly over the millennia; both the planet and its inhabitants were in bad shape.

    First there was the F.A.R.T. (Fatal Attrition via Random Takeaway) pandemic, followed closely by O.O.P.S. (Oh, Ouch, Poop Syndrome) and if that wasn’t bad enough, then came S.H.I.T. (Serendipitous Human Implosion Trauma) – I need counseling just for the imagery alone.

    All of these had the effect of producing unhealthy levels of bromochlordifluoromethane gas that choked plant and animal life alike leaving the air as fetid as a fire station locker room and the sky as greyish-yellow as a well-worn pair of white underpants.

    Things were looking pretty gloomy until an obscure Australian poet and firefighter stumbled on an amazing discovery while conducting a training drill one afternoon. He noticed that by aiming water at the vanes of the windmill that powered the fire station, the blades spun at such a velocity as to project the water upwards in a finely atomised spray; despite the principles of both R.I.M (Random Improbability Matrix), and E.D.G.E (Egregrious Dynamic Gaseous Economics), the air in the immediate area suddenly became cleaner, crisper, cooler, and that the space above the windmill had turned a lovely shade of azure.

    Looking to bolster his meagre retirement savings, he took out a patent (number 111C8632568Q76875669673A46637D4763F4667872476767845762756699897645634867) which saw scientists worldwide clamouring for his attention. The system was introduced globally on August 1st, 2215; the effects were immediate and startling.

    And in tonight’s news, 19 billion people looked skyward to gaze in wonder at the first blue sky seen in over 200 years…

    The firefighter retired from service, content that he could now afford a loaf of bread, a litre of milk, and a notepad on which to scribble his ideas every week instead of every other month.

  • Susan

    Honey, where’s the seat belt? This seat won’t hold my bottom but I’m willin’ to ride this Ferris wheel if you are.

    Over at “Raisin Toast”

  • A Novel Woman

    Hey, I can’t compete after some of those awesome entries! I would suggest it’s some kind of paper airplane in its infancy. No wait. It’s a rain collector. No wait. It’s a mini-awning to protect you from the harsh sun whilst you watch Mr. Incredible at work.

    I don’t know. I give up.

    And what’s with the WV being “castrat”? That’s just wrong.

  • Bush Babe

    OK… time’s up peoples. Thanks for playin’… and makin’ me giggle!!!

    Winner posted in a couple of hours. The coffee is a brewin’

  • Pencil Writer

    Scotty, Scotty. Your imagination . . . Over. The. Top.

    Has to be the winner, right?

    (PS, Scotty. My WV is “lysonoid”. You may use that in your next post. If ya wanna.)

  • Scotty

    Thanks, PW – ‘over the top’ is one of the nicer descriptions that has been attributed to my imagination, lol.

    Lysonoid, eh? Hmmmm…

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