Top to toe: a day at the races…
Yesterday was Race Day in our local town…
It’s usually a big social event and a chance for everyone to dress up and let their hair down!
Some people even watch horses run around a track.
In true deference to Murphy’s Law, every year it rains on Race Day.
Not before. Not after.
There has quite literally been no rain for weeks, then Race Day?
Luckily we were almost 25 minutes into the 35 minute drive from Granite Glen to the racecourse before the heaven’s opened. We didn’t have the chance to turn back, and soldiered on to be greeted with the sight of literally hundreds of people were crammed in under the small roofed area of the course – beside the bar – when we arrived. As you may already have guessed, I don’t deal well with this kind of cramped arrangement, and quickly decided to brave the damp conditions near the saturated tables laden with sodden nibblies, over the shoulder-to-shoulder option under cover. I figured a soggy fascinator wasn’t about to kill me.
My chances of a Fashions on the Field win, perhaps. (Like that was on the cards!)
Better a soggy feather or two, than a freaked out Bush Babe!
I actually had no intention of taking photos – it was to be a ‘day off’ from the Nikon.
But the outfits on display were just too good to resist…
Take this effort by my sister-in-law’s sister…

…she cracked me up.

She also commandeered my mobile phone at some stage during the day.
This photo is my revenge, darling!

The boys were also looking pretty sharp for the event…
from dreadlocks to 70’s peaked caps.
And hawt bearded men took my eye also…
(That is a little corner of my Ma at left… she was looking pretty glam too, but is a bit shy for a proper bloggy outing just yet! She needs some encouragement)
You know, I was hoping we’d be able to snap a really nice family photo – what with Mr I looking spesh, Dash and Violet in their Sunday best, and me making some sort of rare fashion effort. But it just didn’t happen. I must remember to let go of the camera at some stage next time. Remind me will you?
You will simply have to imagine me decked out in:
A vibrant red and yellow flowy see-through overshirt thingy, drifting over black singlet, black 3/4 pants and knee-high black boots… with ludicrous vibrant feather-ball fascinator perched atop a high ponytail… hmmm. Perhaps it was better left undocumented!
And to add to the family portrait difficulty factor, within minutes my son had gone from angelic blond prince,
to this…

The kids all had a ball!
That said, my seemingly poor choice of footwear in the steamy lead up to the midday start – knee-high black leather boots – soon looked like an extremely smart option!
That said, my seemingly poor choice of footwear in the steamy lead up to the midday start – knee-high black leather boots – soon looked like an extremely smart option!
This is what happened to the delicate spiky sandals and toweringly-trendy court shoes worn by the real fashionatas on the day…
(do people say ‘court shoes’ anymore?)
Of course, no-one was really complaining.
Because 12 hours later, the stayers were still going strong
(and I ain’t talking horses here!)
I wasn’t amongst them.
But my hubby was.
As was the bloke he walked 3 kms home with.
In the dark.
And I suspect this little angel …
(another sister of the SIL)
…was also with the party crowd
at the finish line.
Just a sneaking suspicion I have.
Just a sneaking suspicion I have.
Pony Girl
What fun pictures of a great race day….can’t believe it rained!? How bizarre that it always does!
I definitely think we should have seen your outfit, it sounded fab!
By the way, I think you should have been the professional photographer for the event! And hello to your ma! 😉
So fun! I love horse races. Well, i love watching them on TV. They don’t race here in Utah. I have to drive across into Wyoming to attend. The outfits make me think of My Fair Lady with the amazing hats and fun customs. Serious props to you sister in law’s sister, that hat is wicked awesome!
Oh and the fang picture made me laugh out loud, i was not expecting that! So funny. Dash is a crackup.
The same thing happens here at fair week. You set a ferris wheel up in this county and it pours for a week. During the next dry spell, you should try having raceday every day for a month.
On second thought, I don’t know if the people that stay to the finish could handle it for a month straight.
Mom L
What fun! Judging by the delight on the faces you caught, the rain didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits!!! You just grabbed more!
Nancy in Atlanta
Fun Post! Glad the Nikon slipped out into the rain to give us a view. I am with you on crowds. No tin trunk, but an older brother who was babysitting me. He could not make me stop screaming so he tried to muffle the noise with a pillow (my cousin told me this). Loved the vampire!
I just love the glimpse of a world so totally different from my own that I get from reading your blog!
Woman in a Window
All of these photos are stellar!
Do you ever just stay home and do dishes? I’m thinkin’ not.
Murphy’s Law that it should rain the moment there’s an out-doors event lol, but you all look to have had a fab time 🙂
Love the outfits lol.
Yes…court shoes 😛
Sis-in-law’s hat is a hoot, BB!