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A rose by any other name…

If you have been following my tweets, you might already know that we arrived back last night from being away at a show (again!). We have been away a lot lately, including Beef Week (7 days away). Then, we took the kids with us for the ‘life experience’ and our ‘little’ pooch returned to his place of birth for a visit. He got beat up by his sisters but had a ball romping with other danes. They play high. Something that can freak ‘normal size’ dogs out a little.

This time we left Dash and Violet with assorted friends and rellies and decided to trust Axel to guard Granite Glen. We thought that, as it was only one night and two days we would be gone for, our 14-week-old Great Dane would be OK. Of course, like any Mum, I worried about the three of my children (two human and one canine). The usual questions raced through my mind:
Would they eat properly?
Would they make messes for others to clean up?
Would they be warm enough?
And as I had left my human offspring in the care of wonderful, trustworthy people, it was Axel I worried most about.
Despite my trepidation, and having braced myself for chewed-up mayhem upon our return, he was fine. Of course, our DID leave a lot of little ‘land mines’ (as Mr I refers to Great Dane-sized doggy deposits) for his human Ma to clean up, but generally he was a good boy. Reports from neighbours who fed him tell me he was also the perfect guard dog – barking from the top step at newcomers. The cheeky brat.
Which brings me to a question a couple of people have posed:
Why is our dog called Axel?
Well, firstly, that’s what his previous owners called him.
Secondly we liked it.
Thirdly, it suits him (kinda blokey, and black like axle grease!)
And fourthly
…this is something he likes to do…

Chew contentedly on his ‘chocolate mousse’ (a soft toy which actually does smell like white chocolate and was originally given to Violet – sorry BB’s friend Miranda!)… and he likes to dismantle…

…any potpourri bags in the vicinity…

Get it?

Roses. Axl.

(Everybody hum now: “Whoa-oh sweet child o’ mine!“)

Yuk, yuk.

Of course, there was always his potential alternate name, which comes to mind whenever I see him gallop…



  • Kelly

    Awwww… sweet fella! He'll grow to those ears (and legs & feet) and you'll take back that "Dumbo" word.

    My four pups provide plenty of scooping for me in our back yard, LOL!

    Thoroughly enjoyed the new pix of him.

  • Leenie

    Wow! That guy is GROWING! What a face. You are blessed to have Great Dane sized place where he can run and let his ears fly.

  • Kate

    He is so big already! What a beautiful boy. He did good all by himself, except for the land mines 🙂 I love the Axel Rose joke, awesome 🙂 More puppy pics!!!!!

  • jeanie

    Oh man, extremely long bow drawn there!!!

    Glad you got home safely, and no landmines were found within the house.

  • Mom L

    Axel is a handsome one all right. I love big floppy dog ears – Diane had a basset when she was in college and I adored his soft, velvety ears. Love those biiiig feet, too!

    I’m really getting old – had to google Axel Rose – are you referring to the Guns n Roses guy?

    Oh, dear – my 1st WV was antisin – hey, I’m all for a good sin!

    Nancy in Atlanta

  • Pony Girl

    Super cute. I always think of G&R when I hear that name, too. Although I know someone named that, so, it's not as uncommon as you think. He's really grown since your last photos!

  • Reddirt Woman

    I love Danes, but you do need a super duper pooper scooper for their land mines. And if that boy grows into his ears he’s gonna be awesome.


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