The Bush

Bathing in the late afternoon sun

Feeling a little blue today…
too many people leaving this earth:
Michael Jackson
A lot mixed up but insanely talented – who didn’t mimic his dance moves?
Farrah Fawcett
THE Angel… what little girl DIDN’t want that hair, that figure?
Sadie H
A wonderful, wonderful old lady from our town – 107 years old – will be buried tomorrow.
All stars in their own way.
Now stars somewhere else.
Outside it is cold and grey.
Perhaps Mother Nature is in mourning too?
To cheer myself up, I am not posting images of MJ, or FF or even SH.
I am sharing a little of my favourite time of day…
Late Afternoon.
Why (I hear you ask) is it my chosen hour?
1. It’s not early morning – I don’t do early morning very well!
2. The light is kind of magic for about 30 minutes – for faces and landscapes.
3. It’s not quite panic time when I realise I have nothing organised for dinner.
4. When mixed with general cloud and clear atmosphere, some colour magic happens.
5.See number 1.
I humbly present the following evidence to the court:

I have NOT messed with the colours of these photos.

Swear to God.

And to seal the case: I call this one: Ironbark Aglow.

OK, I don’t. That would be a bit ‘arty farty’ for me. But you’ve got to admit, the colour rocks!

BB Question:

What is your favourite time of day, and why?


  • Pony Girl

    I love the late afternoon, too! Right before sunset. I think for the same reasons you do- the lighting. Especially for photography. It's also my second-wind time. I get sleep early afternoon (around 3 pm) but perk up around 5 and can go until 2 a.m., hee hee!
    Sad about the loss of so many stars…I was thinking Ed McMahon and Farah Fawcett, and thought, they always die in 3's. Then while eating dinner at my sister's and watching the news, I saw "Michael Jackson 1958-2009" and I was like- WHAT?! On the way home a radio station played a tribute of his music….luckily it was nearly an hour drive so I got to hear a lot! 🙂

  • Debby

    y favorite part of the day is when you are stretched out in bed and you feel the tension just sort of eeeeeeeeasing out of your body before you fall asleep. I like sleeping.

  • Mom L

    I'm with you on the late afternoon. Many moons ago when I was an about-to-be Mom, then a new Mom, near San Francisco, neighbors came out of their houses and chatted on the lawns at dusk. It was a great time to visit. I'm looking forward to experiencing dusk in Iowa!

    Nancy in Atlanta (for a little longer)

  • Kelly

    Gorgeous photos!!

    I think it depends on what's going on as to what time of day I like. Overall, though, it's probably when I crawl into my bed at night with a book (and still have plenty of time to read).

    Actually, I do like mornings… especially if I can wake on my own without an alarm blaring at me.

  • Leenie

    Any time the sun is at a low angle so it lights up everything with the day's color, makes the leaves glow and stops the wind. Golden hour, alpen glow, daybreak…whatever. Just pretty; and a photographer's best friend.

    Nice shots. We have so much daylight here now that the sun shines in my north window at 8 pm and glares off the computer monitor. I wish more sun, less fog for you.

  • jrosey

    My favorite time of the day is the same as yours…when the world is set aglow for a moment in time. I love the stillness and to listen to the birds chirping. During this time, all is right with the world.

  • Lorac

    Your right the colour does rock. Indeed magical. I used to love the first hour getting home after work. Now I am not working and t is summer, I think I enjoy the latter part of the day best. Before the sunset but as It is setting. I have a good view in the distance. So..sit back and relax with a cool one! Ahh…

  • dykewife

    i would have to say late afternoon/evening as well. here on the great plains of north america there's not a whole lot of difference between sunrise and sunset other than where teh sun is and whether i've been sleeping or not. i really hate mornings a whole lot. the only time i'm up for the sunrise is if i haven't been to bed yet. 😀 we had a gorgeous pink/red/purple sunset last night. no clouds, just a glowing western sky.

  • Bush Babe

    OK – votes so far read:
    EARLY Morning (mad things): 1 1/2
    LATE Afternoon: 6 1/2
    BEDTIME: 1.

    Actually I love bedtime too. Not for photos though… for collapsing into the sheets to pass out. Mmmmmm….

    Of course, those who disagreed with me might not have been game to comment… come on you lot: have a punt!!!

  • bigheadedbob

    Early mourning for me. But I was taught at an early age, to take pitty on people that don't drink, cause when they wake up in the mourning, they know that is the best they are going to feel all day. Hope I said that right, drank alot of beer since then

  • Woman in a Window

    Those pictures are amazing. Love the shadow of the car falling so perfectly. Reminds me of a light I saw fleetingly last summer. Isn't that the way? It was a two minute light and I remember it a year later.

  • traceelements

    Am with you on the 'don't do mornings' thing, and I love the late afternoon light too. It's my favourite time of the day to walk up the beach – moreso than walking at sunrise (hang on, when was the last time I ever got up and walked on the beach at sunrise?)
    Love those amazing colours though – you'll have to be careful posting up photos like that – you'll end up with a visitor from somewhere down my way!

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