People (who need people)

Mmmmm. Lemon curd tart. How I ♥ thee.
And groovy city cafe… how divine and well appointed ye are…
Oh sorry. Doing the non-human thing again, I know.
Actually I am making a remarkably long-winded point here…
Because at the end of Day One, as I took this photo from our city apartment, I had a horrible realisation. While I had diligently downloaded all my gazillion bush photos before leaving Granite Glen, and ensured I had plenty of spare batteries for my flash, my spare camera battery WAS NOT CHARGED.
And the charger wasn’t packed.
And the camera battery light was flashing a warning.
Geez Louise!
So as we feasted on mussels and Belgian beer with a dear friend (see Mav’s amazing photos here) and her sweet funny hubby, I failed to take any photos at all of the event…
And when we had breakfast the next morning with these folk I only managed a couple of snaps of this little angel and her sleep-deprived Ma… Oh how I wanted to take more photos of this little darlin’…
But the Nikon batteries finally went “ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz….”
And so these rellies got a romp with the kids, gossiped with Mr Incredible, showed us their new super-deck and shared a lovely lunch for us, completely unrecorded by my tired Nikon…
…And these fabulous friends (aka the acrobats) shared their half-renovated home (and toys) with our tribe without me poking my little zoom lense in every corner of their abode…
…And this little man (the one with the incredible blue eyes) and Dash played their hearts out as their gorgeous Mum and divine new baby girl showed me around their half-renovated home (must be something in the BrisVegas water?), all without so much as a shutter-press.
…And this particular blogger – whom I had arranged to meet near our old Brisbane home, and who was forced to travel several more suburbs for the dubious pleasure of breaking bread with my over-tired, visited-out family – was not forced into a group hug for the purposes of this blog. And I really should have recorded this one for posterity…
Sorry Shirley!
So there you are.
Hard evidence that I am completely hopeless.
*smacks own hand, hangs head in shame*
I promise to do better next time.
*grins as friends and rellies groan in unison*
As a peace offering I give you this…
You cannot stay mad at me too long looking at such an angel…
Can you?
HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS! Did the same with my video camera on a family trip. But I think my people were glad I wasn't doing the–in your face run around get a better angle. Yeah, and a new battery for a good digital is big $$$$. So sorry.
I recently found your blog and have really enjoyed reading it. Love your pictures!
That is my eternal excuse.
Love the snaps you did capture and I'd read at Rhubarb's blog what a fab time she had with you and yours so all is forgiven lol 😉
ARGH Why won't blogger let me comment!!!?
FINALLY. 5 attempts it took.
(sorry, ranting!)
Country Girl
Wow! What great sights! Especially the ones of that sweet little angel.
I bet you never forget that battery charger again!
Stomper Girl
Hey Bush Babe! absolutely love your photos. I don't blame you for forgetting the charger, it took a few trips away before I remembered the camera AND the camera charger. Worse, once I went away and left the memory card back home in the computer. Internal memories hold hardly anything, I came back with 6 photos.