
Dusty linings to invisible clouds…

World weather watch in disguise today!
I have looked back over my weather watch posts and seen a scary thread of ‘dry crying’ throughout. And while we continue to be quite keen on getting a little H2O in this neck of the woods, I’d hate y’all to think I had lost my sense of humour, or even that the romance of this place is fading.
I have to say it IS harder for me to find the beauty in the parched landscape we find ourselves in at the moment, than documenting the lush vistas we get after some rain (like this lot of posts)… and it explains why I have focussed a little more on faces and irrigated corners of the garden lately…but it IS still do-able. I think.
While driving home from our Small Town this week – firstly in our truck after Pony Club on the weekend, and then after Violet’s Kindy pickup and grocery shop today – I decided to take a deep breath, grab the Nikon, and attempt to get some shots of the dry scenery. To remind myself of the (harsher) beauty of the real Australia.
Truck pics first…


OK this is kinda cheating… some irrigation on the left.
It’s a lucerne farm and my eyes drink in this patch of verde every time I drive by.
Hey, aren’t you impressed that I got a shot at all while driving a truck?
(No officer, the vehicle was not moving whilst this image was taken!)
How ’bout this then?
Red dust and sepia baby…


Yar… not really feeling the romance here, gotta say.
Alrighty then… how about some REAL dust?
Got your bandanas on?
Facemasks at the ready?
These were taken today…
I stopped the Prado when I realised a big truck was on the gravel road going over the range ahead of me. Swallowing the dust of other vehicles is a daily hazard (I have given up washing it unless I am in the Big Smoke with a drive-through carwash… figure I am saving our water!).
Then I saw somethin’…


And I did what I do…


Whoa… how cool is that?


Not sure if the shots really do the scene justice…


But it was kind of surreal…
the reddish ‘fog’ providing a little halleluja moment amongst the spotted gum trees.

And it didn’t even lose it’s impact in the open country…dust_0075
Granite Glen forecast
for Wednesday September 2, 2009
forecast gg
In other words…
A snowflakes chance in hell of our views greening up anytime soon.
(Can someone tell me why they bother with the <1mm?)
Apparently there is a 90% chance of 1-5mm on Thursday.
Maybe that will settle the dust for an hour?
I’d be happy for Mother Nature to prove that it can still rain though…
Enough about me… how ’bout you?


  • Jenni

    I've noticed while taking photos on our dirt road around sunset that the dust can make for some lovely photos–if you can stand in it without choking. Hmmm…maybe I need to slip my bandana down off my head to cover my nose and mouth. I wonder if the trucks making all that dust will think I'm a some sort of bandit. Nah, they'll probably realize it's just another manifestation of that strange lady they see lurking in the ditches and crawling on her belly to get wildflower photos.

    Usually August in Kansas is so hot and dry, and our grass would be looking pretty brown by now. We've had an abnormal amount of rain and an extremely cool summer, though, so the grass is lush and green still. There's still plenty of dust on the road, though, and it isn't the pretty red of Australia or Oklahoma.

  • A Novel Woman

    Ooh, I like the dust shots! Now that I'm back from the lake, the weather is sunny and bee-youtiful. Always the way. I'm driving Youngest across the country to Uni this weekend. A hurricane is on the way. Nice.

  • Elizabeth

    Beautiful dust shots BB, you and that Nikon make a great team.
    Forecast for the Gold Coast – 13 to 24 degrees and a 30% chance of 1 to 5 mls of rain so pretty much the same as at Granite Glen. On Sunday night I did actually hear the pitter patter of rain, we had 3 mls… Hope you get some rain soon.

  • Deb

    Love the new header – wicked cute kiddos 🙂
    and those dust shots…..I think you could take a picture of any old thing and it would be awesome…I mean come on, it's dust! They are gorgeous.

    I'm happy to report no rain to send you from here in the last few days. Cool nights, perfect for snuggling with my honey, blue skies, temps in the low 70's during the day – PERFECT.

    Hoping that you get much needed rain and soon 🙂

  • dykewife

    our predictions are pretty much the same as yours. with the exception of friday, predicted highs are in the low 30s with no rain to come. of course, with this much sun the u.v. index is going to be high.

    this is not the norm for this late in the summer up here. we should be in the low 20s.

  • Debby

    It is cold here. I am wearing sweatshirts already, and three blankets on the bed at night. IN AUGUST!!!! Ack. Temperature right now: 8 degrees celcius. Oh, interesting side note: some areas of Pennsylvania have had over 33 inches (84 centimeters)of rain since June 1st.

  • Bush Babe

    Update at GG: clouded up this afternoon to tease us all. Nice and black and in the right spot… Nothin'. At least it still remembers how to make clouds… I guess that's SOMETHIN', right?


  • Bush Babe

    PS Appreciate the compliments on the dust images… you guys are too sweet!!!

    Actually, they don't really capture the amazing light properly (you probably had to be there to understand)… I must do some more experimenting with it. Advice anyone?

  • Lydia

    The weather is beautiful here in So. Dak. A little windy and overcast. A cool fall day.

    Love the dust photos BB. Simply beautiful.

  • Shailee

    Well this morning, im sure just because I have a huge pile of washing to get done, looks like we may get some rain, just to make sure though will hang some wahing out and go and take the horses rugs off, that should do it lol.

  • Pencil Writer

    Rain. We need some too, but our nights are getting cooler–which is so nice. I don't like 80F degree (like your 27C) nights and 100 degree (like your 38C) days. Your 8C (low) is about 47F for us and a little chilly for just now, but it sounds delicious!

    Love the new banner! You rock, BB! And I dearly love it when fog or mist drifts or settles in the woods, on the mountains, over the bayous it so magical and fantactically beautiful–your dust pictures remind me so much of fog around here. (We have HIGH humidity–just the other day it was 97%–not so unusual.

  • Shailee

    Last night it rained…….boy did the ground look good this morning all wet and now the suns out so should get some nice growth…….love the rain

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