

rain_1710 e

As you may know (if you listen to my Twitter twaddle) we had a little rain during the week. Actually, we measured an impressive two inches of rain (well, nearly). It was wonderful, and I do admit to actually standing out in it arms spread wide in wonder… revelling in the heavy wet drops as they plunged into our parched paddocks.

Unbelievably we had decided to pump out our pool (the pump broke down and it has resembled the Shrek Swamp all winter – the new machine could not get on top of the accumulated sludge). We decided that the thirsty almost-dead grass in the pastures nearby needed the water more than we did, and had set up sprinklers for a mini-irrigation program. As we turned the sprinklers on, the rain started. Hello Mother Nature! You funny thing…

It wasn’t til I was in the Prado, picking the kids up from the school bus that it REALLY started to get serious. We even had bits of hail – a fact Mr Incredible attempted to prove to me mid-storm. He had dashed out into the sheeting rain to grab a tiny chip of ice when BANG. A massive bolt of lightening stuck in the houseyard. The look on his face was spectacular and he retreated under a tree. This of course is NOT advisable during thunderstorms and I screamed at him to GET into the house pronto. He did. With some impressive speed.

And after showing off the retrieved ice chip (hmmm) to the kids, I asked if he was OK. He advised me that he was fine but he did get a bit of a shock and my washing might be a tad more arduous than usual. Lovely.
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Anyway, after-effects of the storm are:
1. We got 46.5mm of wonderful rain.
2. The bolt of lightening hit our two-way radio tower and we no longer have a working radio in the house. I am enjoying the silence, but the boys are getting frustrated that I am not at their beck and call. (Heh)
3. The rain appears to have fallen almost exclusively in our houseyard. Neighbours got just 18mm (2 kms away) and dust was flying before I got 10km from the house (on the way into town). Some of our property received no rain at all.
4. I don’t have to water the garden for a few days – my baby veges are thinking they are in heaven.
5. I need to remember this is not all about me.
6. I passed a fire truck putting out a fire beside the road just 15km from home yesterday. “Patchy rain” sucks for those not under the correct patches.
7. I still have to do the washing. That’ll teach me to snicker.
8. Taking photos in the rain is not great for one’s camera. Or one’s lens. Or one’s actual photos.

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What’s it like in your neck of the woods?
Do you want rain?
Are you sick of rain?
Are you growing webbed feet?
Is it snowing?
I love hearing your answers… share!

Please note: the competition posted this week is still open.
Add your suggestions here and WIN!

You have til 10pm Granite Glen time (see the clock on sidebar)…


  • jeanie

    Look at that lovely rainbow – and boo hoo on the radio tower!

    We got 1.5mm from those showers, so all bluff and bluster around here.

    Could definitely do with much, much more.

    Paradise has fluffy white clouds and is 21 degrees so all windows open and enjoying the day.

  • A Novel Woman

    She's a bit cold in Montreal. Snow at the cottage, but nothing in the city just yet. The snow tires are going on the car tomorrow anyway.

  • AKPonyGirl

    Rain here in Alaska and temps still going above freezing during the day. It snowed little flakes that melted as soon as they hit the ground. I'm tired of the mud and wish the ground would freeze so that I can move the horses closer to the house. With DST this weekend it will be dark by 6pm. I am looking forward to my favorite day of the year – Winter Solstice – when the days start getting longer.

  • T Lee

    Well, it's Tuesday night here in my neck and guess what…we've got rain!! yes, webbed feet.
    i'm pretty sure georgia is now being considered an emerging rain forest……

  • JFKlaver

    Lovely photos and interesting information. It's amazing the way it can rain in one spot and if you move a few inches, you're out of it. What an experience with the lightning strike! In eastern Pennsylvania (USA), today's rain should clear in just in time for me to board a plane tomorrow for sunny southern California. Have a happy day and keep that camera dry!

  • Missy

    We have had no rain for a week or two but the weather has been just perfect almost everyday, around 24C so really cant complain, had the snow a few weeks ago which was a lovely surprise. Could really do with a few more inches of rain yet though.

  • Debby

    Hey~ is the winner Wasilla Bill? That's cool!

    Rainy, cool, 40s at night, wood boiler going. No more snow since the debacle of October 15th. Typical weather for October eeeeeeeeeeeasing into November.

  • Lydia

    I am so tired of rain I could spit. But no one would notice becuase it is so wet out here.

    The farmers can't harvest their fields, the construction guys can't finish the roads.

    The good news is that 82% of the state has ample ground water. So, yea for that!

  • Kelly

    Personally I'm tired of rain. After more than 20" last month (all unofficial, mind you) we've had over 19" (again, unofficial) at my house THIS month! Right now it's a 100% chance all today, tonight and tomorrow for rain, heavy in areas.

    So much for the soybean crop and a lot of the rice is still in the fields waiting…. (and hopefully not sprouting).

    It's been a wet fall in south Arkansas!

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