All posts,  The Bush

It’s a goer…

OK. It’s done.

BB calendar march e

The calendar has been wrested and wrangled and sorted, and is off to the printers this week. While I had a little bit of an idea of the fininicky work behind this kind of endeavor (thanks to my fundraising efforts for Heartkids when Dash was a littlie) it was still kinda painful working out my apostrophe’s in holidays for three different countries. ‘

calendar dates page

Here is a sample date page (requested by Gemisht)… please note it is unedited (apostrophe disaster) and I have fiddled with fonts since this version. But it gives you a feel for the layout.
Orders are now being officially being taken – some earlybirds are in already (thanks guys and gals) and will be first cabs off the rank. (Wonder how many more metaphors can I jam into one sentence? Heh.) The order instructions are here (its easy) for those keen on a enjoying some bush magic on their walls over the next year. (Mr Incredible wants to know how many loo doors it’ll end up on. I have promised to run a poll once they are all out!)
GOOD NEWS: I have managed to keep the price below $30 per calendar which I am kind of excited about. If I was ordering 10 000 of the them I could make it a tad cheaper, but I have to say, I am NOT mailing out 10 000 envelopes before Christmas. Even if 10 000 people wanted them. (Which is a crazy idea anyway!) But the mailing…the addressing, the checking, the sticking down of hundreds and hundreds of parcels… oi! I would have to call in reinforcements and Mr Incredible has made it clear he’s not licking piles of envelope flaps. *pouts*
So instead of cheap, you get limited edition, personally signed calendars.
For just $29 on some really great heavy paper (no curling down, mid-year!).
And you can know it will have been carefully guided into an envelope by my own ‘delicate’ hands, and handed to my fabulous mail-lady at the red cream can mailbox.

mailbox 1
Which I kinda hope looks a little more like this…

rain on mailbox e

Sing with me: I’m dreaming of a WET Christmas…


To be serious for a nanosecond, I wanted to share the note I penned for the back the 2010 calendar. To share how passionate I am about the images it contains…

BB bush blog calendar 1e

This calendar is a reflection of my enduring love of the Australian bush – its unique landscapes, its amazing animals, its action-packed sport and its resilient fun-loving people.

I grew up in the bush, and wherever I travelled, wherever I worked or lived, it has always called to me. I hope you get a sense of this incredible place- even if you cannot experience it first-hand – through this calendar, in 2010.

(Bush Babe)


I must’ve had a chardy* before writing that!!
Leaving you with a couple of images that didn’t quite make the calendar cut.




Maybe the 2011 could be the Love Licks edition?
*furrows brows in deliberation*
*Chardy = Chardonnay in Oz speak


  • Debby

    I love your mailbox. Here, we couldn't do such a thing. It would not meet the standards of the US postal service. They would not deliver to it.

  • Leenie

    Congrats on the publishing! Best wishes on the mailouts. Your work is outstanding and your mailbox looks big enough to hold lots of orders and fan mail.

  • Lynn

    What's a chardy? I looked in your language guide, not there. Not familiar with that word here in Katy, Texas (near Houston).

    Your calendar looks great. I'm thinking of getting it for my husband for Christmas.

  • Gemisht

    Thanks for the sample date page 🙂

    Any time you need some company to have a chardy or two with, let me know. Although to be honest I much prefer sauv blanc to chardy. Or a shiraz if you're going for a red.

  • Kate

    Love it! It looks amazing! But Jeanie is right, you are missing a huge market with leaving out the nose-licking 😉

    I just added your "buy a calendar" button to my sidebar, they are just fab.

    I'll be ordering 2 but i have to wait until i get paid on thursday 🙂

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