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    Monotones and My Girl

    One of my favourite bloggers is holding a little contest on her blog at the moment. It’s calling for black-and-white images from bloggy photographers, and while I don’t tend to do the ‘who has the best photo’ thing too often…

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    Messin’ with Mirages

    I hate to harp on in my weekly (kinda, sorta) weather reports here at the Bush Babe blog… but have I mentioned its a bit hot? Uncomfortably, sweatily, ruddy-faced hot. Make-up sliding right off your face and onto the floor…

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    Vignette #2: A Real Good Mother

    We have had lots of highlights and a couple of lowlights with our calving this year. We pride ourselves on breeding low-maintenance cattle and excellent mothering cows. But when something happens that leaves a calf unusually vulnerable, we humans try…

  • The Bush


    It’s something I don’t have much of at the moment. All my own fault of course… I like to pack things in, and I also like to soak things in. It’s a recipe for poor time management, very ordinary packing…