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A Walk on the Wild Side

My husband is not really an exercise junkie.  It’s true that he’s pretty fit, being an everyday physical worker here on the cattle property, but he’s not the kind to pump iron for his manly biceps.  Or buy gym equipment for the garage.  Or stare at himself in the mirror.  It’s something I kinda like about him.

So I was a little amazed when he announced yesterday that he was going for a long walk.


I am more used to him taking little ‘inspection’ walks like the one above.  He inspects particularly well.  Inspecting cattle, inspecting fences, inspecting floodwaters.  If he wasn’t already well-labelled Mr Incredible, he could quite easily wear the mantle of The Inspector.  (Food for thought if he ever starts his own blog).

Anyway, he went for a walk yesterday.  A three hour walk.  Heading south along the river.  And he took a camera.  Shall we check out his efforts en route?

I have to say, he didn’t take MANY pics.  Well, many compared to me (but then Who does?).


This one was within sight of the house.  He tried to follow the ‘road’ but it kept on disappearing from sight under the floodwaters.  I assume he skirted around the murky invasion, but as he is currently snoring up a storm, we shall just have to assume he didn’t swim.

He says he saw a dingo somewhere around here – two actually.  Feeding on the carcass of a kangaroo.  They took off when they saw him, but then circled back to their meal while he was still in sight.  There is of course no photographic evidence of this encounter.  He was busy keeping an eye on what the wild dogs were up to apparently.


This photo was taken a couple of kilometres further on.  When he explained today where it was, I was gobsmacked.  This gully is normally quite dry – and reasonably high. But the water is clearly still here – so it’s backed up from the river which would be another 500metres downstream from this point. Incredible…

I think it was somewhere near he that he saw a wild pig.  I didn’t ask for details. I have an intense dislike of wild pigs, they freak me out.  But I still asked WHY he didn’t take a photo.  He had no good explanation other than: I didn’t think of it at the time.

Seriously. Clearly I have had no influence on the man in the past decade at all.

This was the next shot I came across.


Looks like just another flood pic.  Except this was the whole reason for Mr Incredible’s marathon walk.

He was trying to save a boat.

A dingy used a couple of months ago, when the river and dam were quite low.  He had ridden down here with Dash to haul it to the high water mark when it looked promising for a bit of flooding on the weather forecasts.  He dragged it right to the edge of the river bank, wedged it between two trees and tied it securely.

It should have been safe as houses.  But thanks to a flood that blew all previous records (along with our boat) right out of the water (okay, UNDER the water) it was a sad sight indeed.

mrIwalk_0922 a

Mr I began wading out to the submerged craft and got to chest-deep before realising that a massive black snake was coiled up in a nearby tree.  As he hesitated he saw another slippery reptile slither across the water heading for a drier spot.  And he decided he didn’t wish to be a water taxi for any scaly critters.  So he came home.

I cannot say I blame him.  I’m not a real fan of snakes either – not REALLY up close and personal. You cain’t trust a snake, is all I am sayin’.

This was another shot taken as he neared our house from the southern side.  The sign is for a ‘reserve’ where people who once walked cattle from place to place would rest their herd overnight.  It doesn’t look too enticing at the moment. Except if you are mustering a herd of ducks.


And so Mr Incredible made it safely back home. Wet and bedraggled and with slightly elevated adrenaline levels.

And possibly cured of random acts of exercise for quite some time.

The End.


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