All posts,  The Bush,  Weather

It ain’t over…

The repairwork has begun in earnest here at Granite Glen.

Fences are being cleared and pulled back into position.

Mr Incredible managed to find a quad bike, so he finally got to check the rest of the roads and watering points and a lot of country we just hadn’t seen since before Christmas.  The shocking state of the roads has made travel by ute impossible. It wasn’t too bad – all the roads are badly affected and he found two cattle dead, but one of the dams we thought had washed away (above this gully crossing – last photo) is still there, so that is a relief.  At least two dams are gone though, one of them right through our tip (where we dispose of bottles and tins) which has made a big mess.


The World’s Biggest Emu Parade is coming up, folks!

I am not much of a fencer, but I did ‘help’ my husband pull up a creek crossing a couple of days ago.  I suspect I supplied more moral support and company than actual assistance!

One the way there after dropping the kids to a neighbour for an hour, I took photos.


And I realised…


The ominous pre-storm feeling is not going away…


Every single afternoon, heavy clouds gather and the air pressure seems to change…


And, I don’t know…


… it just feels HEAVY…




  • Lynda M O

    There’s that weird greenish cast to the air. We used to see that in the Tropics when we lived aboard boats. Always signaled a big storm coming.

  • Colin (HB)

    “BB”, “Mr Incredible” & kids.

    I know that swearing is not permissable on blog sites, so I’ll just say “Good God” – now think what I really meant???
    What a bloody mess and more in the offering. ( More ‘naughty words’)like “*&@F*&%&$” etc. I hope that the two dead cattle that you found were not prime breeding stock?
    To make matters more, if possible, the supermarket prices of fresh food here in Brisbane have skyrocketed already and the shelves were full. ( More naughty words).
    The “city slicker” check-out girl when I queried the prices – said: SO WHAT! Probably has never ventured outside Brisbane! (More naughty words from me!) and by now very red in the face!
    Yep! the words of Malcolm Fraser (ex-PM) come back to haunt and taunt us – “Life wasn’t meant to be easy”. After the biblical words of “God created the World” – Malcolm’s comment should come next!!!!
    I wonder where the “miracle” Cabinet meeting of the QLD government is taking place – an island resort, maybe????
    You have my sympathy, but what can you do?
    All the best “BB” – can’t offer anything else. Sorry.
    Colin (HB)

  • Paint Girl

    I hope the rain stays away. Believe me I know what it’s like, we just had major rain a couple weeks ago and our river flooded big time, thankfully we are up above the river so it doesn’t effect us, but it hit everyone below us in the valley in a big way.
    I know those clouds look scary, but I think it is absolutely gorgeous there!

  • debby

    Oh, my gosh. I have to say that the news has finally begun to hit headlines here. We’d known about the flooding, but really not much was said about how bad that flooding was. Now news of it is everywhere you look. Today I read that 75% of your coal mines had damaged infrastructures and that they would be unsafe until much work had been done, and the article pointed out that without coal, your steel mills cannot run. This flooding will affect your country for years to come. Every day, I look at the pictures in disbelief. And it is STILL raining. Unbelievable.
    debby´s last blog post ..Time Travel

  • Sal

    Fingers crossed here for you. We have done repair jobs on our roads and gullies more than once here too – it is so frustrating, but amazing just what damage water can do. Good luck!

  • Elizabeth (ejay)

    Congratulations BB….you’ve made the big time! WOW our own Bush Babe is famous in France- (having been mentioned on a French TV News Bulletin). Now we all want your autograph!!!!

    • Bush Babe

      Oh don’t be silly… nothing has changed out here! Hard to take oneself too seriously when one is still battling mould and smelly wet Danes and bored kids! (Once you start saying ‘one’ its very hard to stop, isn’t it?)

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