All posts,  Weather

Come fly with me…

It seems there is some crazy weather going on around this ol’ world of ours at the moment…

Super Cyclones here.

Blizzards over there and there



All Aussies will already know that the north of our state is about to take a hammering from Tropical Cyclone Yasi… and she looks a like a cranky little bit of work in this particular view.

We have everything crossed that she changes her mind and heads away, or at least calms down some before visiting.  The last thing we need is more flooding.  The water is still running out of the hills (and along our goat tracks/roads) from our last rain over a week ago.


And I have friends in the New York area and in Oklahoma and Texas who are experiencing blizzard conditions. Like ‘stay in your house and don’t move’ white-out conditions. Yikes!

For heaven’s sake…. isn’t it nearly Spring over there?


I guess, as I sit here late at night typing this in my stripey summer PJs, swiping the frog off the keyboard and wondering if I can get away with switching the air-con on to take the edge off the humidity (currently sitting at 86% with temp at  25 degrees C/77 F) … well, I just can’t complain.


Much as part of me would like to just take off.

Fly somewhere else.

Away from the mangled roads and the heat.

boat_0340 close

I guess what matters is we all stay safe.

Stay warm.

Keep cool.

Stay dry.

Whereever you are…

Y’hear me now?


  • Teri

    We’re having rain here in TN, but my family near St Louis, MO is battening down the hatches for freezing rain and snow.

    Spring will hit here in TN late Feb-ish (tho we could easily get popped with snow in March).

    Hubby in in the Aluetian Island of Alaska says it is unseasonably warm there… in the mid-30s and rainy. Strong Pacific currents.
    Teri´s last blog post ..My Iron Chef Recipes- Winter Squash

  • Roket Man

    Sure hope y’all make it through that storm without any more flooding. The monster hammering our midwest is 1200 miles wide and expected to bring snow and ice to at least 30 states. Here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwest Virginia we’re expecting mostly rain as our temperatures are finally above freezing. Spring in still 7 or 8 weeks away and can’t get here soon enough!
    Roket Man´s last blog post ..Winter Birds cooliris Wall

  • Junebug

    Waiting for spring in eastern Washington state as well. Far to the west of the snow storm but it’s a bit chilly here today. My thoughts are with Queenslanders who appear to be facing another big hit from Yasi. Hoping it will turn and move harmlessly out to sea.

    Bush Babe, I know Australia has been suffering under a massive drought for a long time. Have the rains helped alleviate the situation at all or did they occur too far north?

  • Buttons

    Thanks Bush Babe We are bracing for a big snowstorm here and yes spring is almost here (yeah right). It is very cold and I have just come back from doing my chores. The cows are warm and getting ready for the big dump of snow. I have taken lots of extra hay and bedding back to the bush. We never know (if the winds are strong) how long till they get to see our smiling faces again, sometimes the drifting can make for very high snow roads. We always get back there eventually thank goodness for 4wheel drive tractors. They are perfectly safe and happy and now well fed for a few days if need be. Your pics are beautiful and I thank you for the thought of your warm weather. B
    Buttons´s last blog post ..Our Journey! Perception! 9

  • Nancy in Iowa

    No blizzard (so far) here in SW Iowa – just snow showers, temp of 13F with a wind chill of -10F. The sky and ground are perfectly white – remember that weird scene in “Fargo” where Steve Buscemi is looking along a fenceline with snow everywhere, and buries the money? That’s what it looks like outside my window. Can’t even see the Loess Hills!!!

  • Kelly

    Here in South Arkansas we missed out on the worst of things. Icy, snowy stuff to the north of us and the most severe thunderstorms to the south of us. We had some hard rain earlier, but pretty much just wind and dropping temps now.

    What kind of bird (duck?) is that?
    Kelly´s last blog post ..End of month ramblings

  • Leenie

    Way–way below freezing here. Schools closed because it’s dangerous to wait for a bus when skin can freeze on your face in 30 min. of this kind of weather. Hubby is an amateur radio operator and says sunspot activity is at an all time low. But you won’t hear environmentalists or politicians mention this phenomenon which greatly affects the world’s weather, because there is no money to be made trying to control sunspots or the lack thereof.
    Leenie´s last blog post ..AIRPLANE REVISITED

  • Colin (HB)

    BB – I think you are pretty close to “Yasi”, are you ready for the possible “Apocalypse” that is approaching?
    It is bloody scary.
    I don’t think the Emergency Services, the Qld Government, the police or the military can do any more – they have excelled themselves. Hopefully, more can be learnt from this, if anything, especially Cairns, Townsville etc survive.
    I would think US “tornedo belt” bunkers will have to be built for all houses when it is over!
    Stay safe and all the best.
    Colin (HB)

  • Audrey

    Working at staying warm over here. Windchills of -38C this morning. No standing around outside. Fortunately we are to the north and west of the big blizzard hammering much of the US and southern Ontario.

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