All posts,  BB+USA

It’s up to YOU…

Okay, here is how it’s going to work.

I am going to blog about this place, and then I am going to go all retro by about a week.

Cause I missed out on blogging LA.

Not cause I didn’t want to.

Not cause I didn’t take photos (do you KNOW me?).

But cause I have someone I had to surprise.


In NEW YORK, baby!


Actually, if everything goes to plan, I will be surprising a very, very dear friend of mine right now in a pizza joint somewhere in Manhattan.  I hope she doesn’t have a heart attack.  I hope it makes her smile instead.  A little squeal would be okay.  Cause between my friend’s daughter and me, a great deal of smoke and mirrors has gone on over the past few weeks to pull this off.

Can you guess who it might be?

In the meantime, my first impressions of the Big Apple. ..







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