All posts,  BB+USA

Flight of fancy (Ch 6)

Chapter Six of the BB FairyBlogTale is here… this instalment is a little flight of fancy, one of those half-dream times where everything is the wrong proportion and you feel a bit like a giant…


So our Family had caught some shut-eye at their lovely Beverly Hills Hotel after a big day at Universal Studios, before they were rudely woken at … wait for it… 4am.  Actually, it probably wasn’t as rude as it felt, seeing as how they had requested a wake-up call at this time so they could catch their almost-9am flight.  Cause the shutttle bus company told them they needed 12 5 hours to get to the airport in time.  Cruel beggars…

So, anticipating some chilly weather at the destination the Mother had chosen randomly weeks earlier, they rugged up, packed up, piled in, tumbled out, stacked up, chowed down (Maccas) and lined up at the departures lounge.


Cherry red suitcases in tow (yes I know they look orange here – it’s that dawn fluorescent lighting of all international airports that make everything look yellow. Including over-tired mothers).


It occurred to the Parents that they had never in their travels seen so many airplanes busy NOT being still as they were at LAX.

The Mother kept humming:

‘LA International Aiiiiirport, where the big jet engines roar…’

(She’s a dag.)

And before they could say “Look at all those freeways!’ one more time, they were airbourne.

Up, up and away from LA’s ‘haze’ (well, some might call it smog, but poh-tate-ohs, poh-tart-ohs)…

And our dream sequence (which may or may not be due to the exhaustion goggles the Mother was wearing as she snapped these pics through the plane window) begins…


Ain’t it purty?  Looks for all the world like SNOW on them thair mountains…


Like someone upended the icing sugar shaker on the sandcastles they had pushed up hurriedly in the sandpit…

The Mother’s attention wandered during the flight/dream sequence, as the Prince and Princess became absorbed by Dora the Explorer (whom they had recently met) and the Father discovered something nice and violent on-screen… and she found Robert Downey Junior.

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Twas a nice, giggly diversion.  She can take or leave Jack Black-type fellow who insisted on popping his head in regularly to this nice dream, but RDJr is always gold.

And then the little dioramas out the window changed again – this stream/raging river looked suspiciously icy.  The Mother hoped they wouldn’t have to crash land in this river (stranger things have happened in her dreams, especially after watching the news on telly)…

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And the sprawling lake and farmland sliding underneath the family also had a ‘brrrrr’ cast to it as well…


And then, as the plane tilted in the weirdly short day through which the dreamy Family were travelling, the warmth of late afternoon bounced off the surface of the earth and made this…

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Liquid Gold.

And they were quite mesmerised…

Or maybe they were asleep – hard to tell really.  (And this narration sure ain’t helpin’, is it?)

And then, with another sharp tilt, they were in a Winter Wonderland…


Where that icing shaker had gone NUTS.  And wee little rectangles with mini-mansions and icinged-up tennis courts and tincy-wincy pools.


And then the teeny little dolls houses started to grow bigger.  Or something.


And odd little outbreaks of green with faces appeared. (Look hard, Gentle Reader, it’s sideways.)


And then rows and rows of neat-as-a-pin two-and-three storey dolls houses started sliding by.

And rising up, UP…

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Or perhaps they were falling down, DOWN…?


A momentary start, where the Mother wondered: Is that a RIVER?

Something about planes and rivers disturbed her just a little…

But then the family blearily stumbled from the warm cozy plane and into…



It’s your turn to help out…

Do you know where our family landed next?  For REAL?

Hint 1:

There were dogs that looked a LOT like dingoes happily walking around the terminal – and they weren’t seeing eye dogs. nyc_0540

Although this one did appear to be seasoned professionals when it came to the paparazzi…


The journey from the airport well and truly woke the Mother up.


She has never been so concerned for her physical safety (with the possible exception of that hot-air-ballooning incident which is as-yet unblogged)…

Hint 3:

There were a lot of lights at the end of the trip.


  • Jane-Kurrajong

    So you left in the morning and arrived at Sunset. With the sun setting in the West on the water I am guessing you are in Seattle? OR maybe you stopped at Salt Lake city. (I have just learnt more about America in the past 10 mins studying a map on google going in and out…in and out…haha)
    Waiting until 3.00 for parent teacher interviews…

  • Suzi

    As a Midwesterner in America I am loving your recap of your trip. Is that river the Mississippi? That is in my part of the country. And one of the first words we learn to spell in social studies. NY,NY for your new location.

  • gramps

    OK—-New York. But which terminal???? I’m guessing it was JFK (I always avoided JFK when I flew to NY in my other life

  • Colin (HB)

    According to the time frame, it has to be New York. Morning LAX and evening JFK! What is it 5 hours difference in zones, plus 5 hours inflight – so can’t be anywhere else but the Atlantic seaboard.
    What carrier did you use between LAX and JFK? The code sharer, American Airlines?

  • Nancy in Iowa

    The kids look so darn perky for that hour of the morning!!! I’m also thinking it’s NYC – although I must admit to being totally exhausted from your trip and I don’t really know where i am right now.

  • Theresa in Alberta

    I bet is was NYC!! That snow and ice you see from the air….it is STILL like that here in Alberta bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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