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Easter @ The Beach

If you have been visiting  recently, you will know that we spent last weekend at the gorgeous Sunshine Coast.  We attended a friend’s wedding and took serious advantage of my husband’s Dad and his lovely wife who happen to live in a very handy spot near the beach.  For those of you who don’t know, I worked on the Sunshine Coast for many years.  It’s like my second home really – I spent many Easters here as a single woman, mostly working as others spent the time with their families.  I didn’t mind working because there is not a whole lot about the Sunny Coast that I don’t love.  (Okay, the Easter crowds I can do without, but it really is one of the most beautiful places ever.)

So anyway, while Mr Incredible and I did weddingy things (taking photos, eating delicious finger-food, talking, laughing, drinking wine) on Saturday, a couple of grandparents got some quality two-on-two time with Dash and Violet.  We don’t get to visit with them  nearly enough, and there was lots of crab-catching, playground-thumping, Easter-card-making and boardgame-playing going on as our kids made up for lost time.

Amazingly, the Easter Bunny managed to find us – although it was a close thing as said Bunny was nearly too tired to remember his/her chores before he/she hit the sheets in the wee hours of Sunday morning…


Because at 6am, two earnest little faces popped around our bedroom door and begged permission to begin the Easter Egg Hunt (as specifically requested by Violet in her elaborate card to the Easter Bunny).  The shrieking and loot-gathering was a really lovely way to wake up.

The Easter Bunny (or G’ma Gwen) remembered us too – with some Lindt Balls.  I do so love the Easter Bunny.  (Choccys pictured with gorgeous roses which were a ‘thankyou’ from the wedding).

We spent the middle part of Easter Sunday with my family, eating fish and chips at a park table by the Noosa River, and being entertained by various cousins tearing around crowded footpaths on ripstiks.  Twas a typical Aussie Easter midday activity really…

And that afternoon, after some much-needed caffeine with the combined grandparents, we completed the Easter experience by visiting Mooloolaba beach.


Now I have to admit, I am not really a sand-between-the-toes beachgoer.  But I do adore the views…


These shots are looking north over the rocks to Maroochydore.  I always think the rhythm of crashing waves is like a good massage.


You can always throw a little people-watching into the mix.  This very pregnant mother was capturing a photo of her husband. There were little scenes playing out wherever we looked.  I wondered what our ‘scene’ looked like to the outsider?  It looked like this to me…


And of course, watching children playing at a beach is one of Nature’s remedies for pretty much any stress at all…


Don’t you think?


I admit that my stress levels did rise a little each time our daughter insisted on exploring the rock holes near the edge where the waves were breaking.


I’m not brave about waves. (Hey, that rhymes – there could be a country ballad in that!)

I think I only yelled three times at her to ‘COME BACK FROM THE EDGE OR YOU WILL GET WASHED AWAY’.

I’m such a cool, calm and collected soul sometimes…

And I tried not to think about how our ‘Easter Beach Scene ‘ looked to others during my little freak-outs.  So I distracted myself with this…


Another thing I love about the beach?  Long afternoon shadows.  And then washing the sand off my feet.

So how was your Easter?

Was it spent at home?  Away with Family or Friends?  Was it relaxing or full on? Or maybe you worked right through it?  Share…


  • debby

    We got up and went to the hospital to visit Tim’s father, and then we headed from there to my mother who had fought successfully to leave the hospital to come home for two hours. We had a huge meal with seventeen hundred relatives, and then we left there and headed home to make a second ham dinner for Buddy and Brianna when they came home. It was nice. Oh. For the first time, the Easter bunny did not stop at our house. Although I do so love Lindt truffles.
    debby´s last blog post ..History

  • Kylie

    Ours was spent the same way minus the wedding….a trip to the Sunny Coast to catch up with Grandparents(I am not a beach person either – the things we do for our kids!) then Easter Sunday down near the Qld/NSW border making, slicing and serving copius amounts of damper and billy tea…..could think of a better way to spend our break!

  • diane

    Love your shots of the children playing, it sure gives a warm feeling inside. Because we are retired we leave the roads and resorts to the working people at Easter and stay home where it is cheaper, quieter and less people on the roads. Then when all the workers go back to work we go away and enjoy cheaper rates and less crowds. However, we did manage a walk through South Bank and the Botanical gardens. I played on my computer with photos. I worked in the garden in between the rain showers. The Sunshine Coast is my favourite too.
    diane´s last blog post ..THE OLD GARDENS

  • A Novel Woman

    We spent time at our lakeside cottage and watched as the ice on the lake came so close to going out. I think this weekend will mark its disappearance, heralding the summer to come!

    No visit by the Easter Bunny this year. Note to self: push for grandchildren.
    A Novel Woman´s last blog post ..Time to get a little Wilde

  • Kelly

    Whoa! Look at the haul the kiddos raked in from the Easter Bunny!! Yum! (I’m a Cadbury Egg person, myself..or Reese’s PB eggs)

    Nice to know I’m not the only person who isn’t fond of sand.
    Kelly´s last blog post ..My cockroach

  • Brigitte

    Lovely photos; glad you had a swell time on the beach. Would have done anything to swap with you; We spent the days preparing boxes for a house move. Am sore all over now; but luckily we had nice sunshine;
    Am very impatient for the summer break to arrive. Means that everything will be in order again;

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