All posts,  The Bush

Random Action & confusion

Life here is crazy… nothing new there.

As I try to untangle it all, and comb the strands of the demands of my life back into place, I am popping a few random things up on the blog.

1. I drove for over seven hours yesterday. For one specialist appointment for Violet. And Big Town groceries. The excitement nearly did me in.

2. I read with Prep and Year 1 at our little one-teacher school this morning. It always, without fail, makes me smile. And realise how much MORE I need to do it with Dash and Violet here at home.

3. I entered this photo in the Pioneer Woman’s Photography Assignment – theme: ACTION.


It was from this campdraft and I love the aggression in this shot.  Mr Incredible reckons the horse might be a tad TOO aggressive, but I think it was just horse-talk for “turn left HERE, sunshine!“.

4. I found a rat in the laundry this morning.  The good news: it was a a dead one. The better news: my husband was still around the house to remove it for me. (I am unashamedly afraid of rats – dead or alive.  I realise this is totally at odds with my assumed persona of The Tough Bush Chick.  I am here to tell you that that title is a facade, and I have no rights to it at all.)

5. I cannot find the lead to download photos from my camera.  I also cannot find my daughter’s library book and my son’s homework.  I wish to sack myself as a blogger and a mother. Any objections?

6. I have to work out superannuation stuff now.  It gives me a headache.  And the two-way radio also won’t shut up.  Can someone please pass the Panadol?

7. Our twice-weekly mail delivery has brought with it the second-hand copy of Jilly Cooper’s JUMP that I ordered a couple of weeks ago…

Apparently, “It’s a fabulously entertaining romp through the world of jump racing, as Jilly returns to horses and the well-loved characters from Riders and Polo.’ It is now tempting me from the phone table.  Doesn’t that sound fun?  I just KNOW it won’t give me a headache… resisting…so…far.

8. I need your help make me feel better – would love it if you would please share any or all of the following:

  • a link to your entry/s in PW’s assignment
  • a list of things you have lost
  • or what temptations are threatening to take you away from your chores.

If you are super-organised and know where all your electronic leads are, I don’t wish to know about it (please make something up instead).

Yours in caffeine and confusion,

BB of Oz.



  • Miranda

    Hey you – No link, no list, just advice about the photo downloads. Grab a memory card reader – much, much faster. We’ve got a SanDisk one and it’s great! M xx

  • Sal

    * No link for an entry in PW’s assignment… 🙁
    * Have nothing unlocatable at the moment… but if it helps to make you feel better…I am feeling absolutely lost and useless and incredibly slow at uploading photos to my PC since switching to RAW. I want to give it enough time to then make an educated decision to either stay on RAW or convert back to JPG?? But that would require being capable in the uploading of my NEF photos. Frustrating – yep. Time consuming – yes. Worth it – I have no idea… YET!
    * Temptations taking me away from my chores – would include your blog and gorgeous photos! Love the last one – he means business no doubt, guessing that pair made the gate! Ummmm… rodent dilemmas here too. Undesirable smells…from unknown locations…driving me insane. If only I could find where they have died 🙁
    Hot water system decided to burn itself out last night. Horrible power burning smell in the middle of the night – not much sleep had here last night.
    Cloudy, cold and windy day here and I really would like to saddle a horse and go for a ride. But I am so lacking committment in that area lately. Yes, I need a swift kick and a teaspoon of cement.
    But all things aside, life is good and I have a smile on my face! Hope you find all that is lost, and get some chores knocked over! Oh and now I will be dodging my chores more…while I pop over to visit a certain PW Assignment!

  • Paint Girl

    Loving the photo you entered!
    The temptation that is going to soon leave cleaning house on the back burner~ once we get nicer weather, I will be outside playing with my horses. And I think I deserve it after the terrible winter and spring weather we have had!

  • naomi

    not good enough a photographer yet to have “action” shots. all of my stuff is stationery.

    i can’t think of what i’ve lost. that would mean remembering that i’ve lost something at all.

    temptation…i regularly give into it, especially when it’s something i like to do. lately it’s been taking pictures with my new pentax k7 dslr. i’ve got some of the processed photos on or on my flickr site
    naomi´s last blog post ..Moving

  • mary

    I do like that photo. It’s a shoo in. No link to my own pictures. But a list of things I’ve lost and temptations which distract me from my chores? No problem.

    I am the queen of losing things. 1)My glasses–almost daily. 2)Keys (though not as often as I used to). 3)Recently One boy’s social security card which I need to replace so he can learn to drive. 4) Names. I lose them all the time and always have. Ask the boys who must answer to one another’s monikers regularly. 5) My mini-van. I can’t ever remember where I park.

    Temptation: I’d rather work in the garden than do my school work or cleaning house. I’d rather read than clean house (when I find I book I like–you can tell).
    mary´s last blog post ..The Big One

  • debby

    Sorry, but I’d like to say that I do have a problem with your sacking. You can’t quit blogging or being a mother. You get right back into it, thank you.

    Now, I bought a small wallet for myself. Carrying all my school bags is confusing, and I was terribly afraid of losing my wallet. So I lose the stinking wallet ALL THE TIME. It once was so lost, I started to fear that I had left it on the back of the car at the grocery store. You know how you go in there for one thing but then you see a good sale, and well…anyways, I came out of there struggling with all the bags (yes they have carts. Why do you ask?) And my wallet was tucked in my armpit. And then I put the stuff in the back seat. Driving someplace some days later, I was just sick about the missing wallet. I happened to glance in the rear view, and there was my silver wallet glinting in the sun on the back shelf of the car. And I lose keys a lot. I’m forever losing my mind.

    There. Have I made you feel better about yourself?

    Tip for library books. I always had a space on the bottom shelf for library books. They got put back there when we were done with them. It was an imperfect system, but it worked kind of good.

    Sort of.
    debby´s last blog post ..Lab Practical

  • Buttons

    Wow lots of questions most days here on the farm lately I can honestly say I have lost my mind. Rushing here and there , chasing cows, running errands, driving etc. etc.
    I just handed in my library books I had checked them out twice I still never got to read them. I bet they were good.
    I do not want to be anywhere near a rat either, and I think of myself as a tough Canadian girl.
    Good luck Bush Babe it only gets better with age, not really I am just trying to make you feel better. Oh great shot yes keep blogging you keep me sane LOL. B
    Buttons´s last blog post ..Round and Round!

  • Bragger

    1. No entry for PW. I haven’t been doing enough photography lately.
    2. One of my favorite games for the Nintendo DS, the other brown sandal I wanted to wear today, 30 pounds (smile).
    3. Video games, riding my bike, shopping online, more video games.
    Bragger´s last blog post ..Home Alone or Solitude is Bliss

  • ellie k

    I have a carton of ice cream in the freezer that seems to call me everytime I go in the kitchen, ice cream my weakness also reading blogs and playing computer games.

  • sues2u2

    Woman, you sound like you need a vacation! lol, or more time to post vacation stories.

    Not a good photog nor do i have a decent camera.

    Lost? Me! I have no will power to resist my games on facebook. Kids in school until the end of the month so… gotta get them in while I can!

    Also? Your blog, PW’s blog & a couple of others really distract me but I’ve gotta get the ironing done or hubby will be going to wk in his unmentionables & since he wks for the govt it really might be frowned upon. ha,ha

  • Kelly

    1. My photography is not such that gets entered in contests.

    2. If something is lost, I’m not aware of it yet. I’ll know once I start looking for it.

    3. These days I’m easily distracted by my computer, Twitter, your blog, whatever I’m reading, etc. etc. Get the idea? I’m easily distracted by ANYthing that will take me away from my chores!

  • Nancy in Iowa

    Nope – no photo entries for me!

    List – where would I start? Do you mean things I’ve “lost” today, this week, or this year? I routinely lose my keys, reading glasses, book, etc. My cat thought she’d lost me today, but she came meowing at a neighbor’s door where I was visiting, so she found me.

    I hate chores, especially laundry (for one!) and cleaning. I can be easily distracted by your blog, computer games, new e-pictures and videos of grandson Henry, and the neighbors talking outside.

  • Colin (HB)

    BB – I would say you are in the genius class in computer world as compared to me!
    I turn the bloody thing on, say a prayer ( not sure if any notice is taken on that one) and then hope for the best!

    Losing things!!!! Wait a few more years, BB, it gets WORSE – sorry! I have to write down everything, especially shopping items, and then can’t find the list! Now that my dear lady is absolute brilliance!!! N’est pas?
    As for my glasses, the less said the better. I have even lost them when I have moved them to the top of my “nut”, usually looking in a mirror, results in this outstanding find!
    Great shot of the “better half” in the camp draft, but a heifer as the beast, that’s the first heifer, I have ever seen used.
    Colin (HB)

  • Reena

    I entered PW’s contest for the first time. Nothing great but, hey, why not! Love your photo with all its expression. Actually, love all your photos!

  • Barbara

    I love, love, love your blog – you cannot quit! I read you every morning and so admire the great parenting you both do for your lovely children.
    Take heart – everything will be found. I wish I were there for you because I am the “finder” in my family. I can find anything, at any time. This can also be a curse. I once dropped my car keys down the toilet – I know where they are, I just can’t get to them.
    I do all chores first thing in the morning (I love instant gratification) so that, by around eleven, my time is my own. Then again, our children are grown and gone so there are not nearly the demands on my time that you have.
    Hang in there, “this, too, shall pass.”
    Regroup, have a five minute cry if you have to, remember who and what you are, and get on with life.
    Love to you and yours –

  • Jane-Kurrajong

    I am meant to be writing/developing a new assessment for my work to present to ‘moderation’ people on Monday (half way there) but hey the local show is on and we are having a 6th Birthday on Sunday where I have about 30 people coming and you cannot see any of my tables for mess and I have not washed for about 4 days…..arrrrggghhhhhh!!! What is more important???

  • Norma in Alabama

    No picture link.

    The only thing I lose is my temper on the road.

    I am easily distracted from any kind of chore. I look forward to reading all my favorite blogs every night and if you quit I would miss your wit and entertainment.

    As an aside: I saw your Delta Goodrum on Dancing With the Stars. She has quite a talent and I hope we get to see more of her. Not a big fan of Michael Bolten but she really outshined him.

  • Helen G.

    That’s a great photo showing aggression. I have no PW link for you and I lose things with undue regularity. Keys are a biggie so I have more than one set… my checkbook, which is where I keep my driver’s license and debit cards so that is one that will get the house turned upside down with an unfortunate regularity. I could go on but at some point it gets downright embarrassing…

    Helen G.´s last blog post ..Thoughts Of A Lady In Waiting

  • Lynda M O

    Chores ?~! Instead of reading, writing and enjoying : blogs, Zane Grey novels about caballos, vaqueros y senoritas, and chomping freshly picked strawberries sun-warmed and snail-chewed ?~! Not sure I am able to make that trade off.

    Lost-unlocatable : my resolve to let my adult daughter deal with her problems on her own timeframe.

    What a beautiful blog you have here, BB. Horses, kids, cows, cowboys… what’s not to love…

  • Rhu

    Just spent an hour back reading and catching up on the BB news that I have missed. Thank you so much for the very welcome respite into my day, I loved my visit. I am now all up to date with BB news, and am just as in love with your family as I ever was xxxx

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