All posts,  Horses

Things you don’t expect to see…

As you unload your children and their steeds at the local small town showgrounds, saddle them up (the horses), strap their helmuts on (the children) and send them off to their Pony Club lessons with words of encouragement (both the aforementioned) you DO expect to see THIS kind of thing…
pclub_7744 e

But – even though TECHNICALLY it would seem quite ‘pony-like’ – you REALLY don’t expect to see THIS kind of thing…


And I am here to tell you that the pony club ponies were less than impressed at such a surprise.

This little ball of brazen business brayed at them and waggled its ears and generally was all DONKEY welcome.

But the horses were having none of it – they all balked and stared and freaked a little.




Honestly – you have never seen such a mass reaction of flightiness. We gave in and moved the offending equine derivative to a new (further away) post to bray from.  She proceeded to kick the heck out of the post.

Isn’t it lucky that the hyped-up horses (and wide-eyed kids) didn’t spot THIS little mammal parked 30 metres away from their arena?


How distracting would THAT have been from the ‘how to tell if you are on the right lead‘ discussion?

Luckily, they only spotted him AFTER all the lessons had been run.  And the small circus man then had to hold them at bay, in case they got too close and got a sharp nip for their curiosity.

Aside # 1: how can mankind have EVER thought monkeys are NOT related to humans? Honestly?

Aside # 2: the circus man told us he was once a political journalist. I always wondered where political journos go when they retire. Now I know.  Shall keep my eyes peeled for Laurie Oakes at the next Cirque de Soleil event…

There was also a teeny tiny dog running around which Dash thought was JUST as outrageous an animal as the previous two…


Of course, he IS used to this dude…


(So all you chihauhau and fox terrier people will have to forgive Dash for his astonishment and wonder at a fully-grown pocket-sized canine.)

I am not sure Pony Club will ever be able to live up to the WOW factor it achieved during this rally.  (I certainly hope not.  The horses are still recovering.)




  • Leenie

    But he’s such a handsome little donkey! What’s a guy to do with all those high minded horses that probably can’t carry half their weight? And thinking a dog the size of a horse is normal? That’s weird too.

    Political journalists should be right at home in a circus.
    Leenie´s last blog post ..DID WE BRING RAIN GEAR

  • Hippomanic Jen

    Ah, yes. Fortunately our horses shared a paddock with a donkey, so we never had to worry… but apparently most horses are spooked by donkeys (makes you wonder where mules come from, really). I’ve always found that weird – they’re so closely related. Obviously horsey mums don’t teach their foals not to be suspicious of people who are different to you – big ears or not!

  • Kate

    Holy cow i have a lot to catch up on! I need to get reading 🙂 Dash looks so great in that first shot. Natural born horseman! And i’m with him on small dogs…giant ones are where it’s at 🙂

  • Kelly

    Awww..the little donkey is so cute! I have a weakness for donkeys and am sad to say we have sold/given away all of ours. I still see Debby (one we sold) and her daughter Bella (born soon after she left us) in a pasture up the road from me living happily with about 5 or 6 horses. They seemed to ostracize her when she first arrived, but everyone lives (and grazes) in harmony now.
    Kelly´s last blog post ..U is for Undertow by Sue Grafton

  • debby

    Kelly! You had a donkey named Debby?!!!!!! A lot of people have told me that I’m a jackass. Maybe they were just getting their Debbys confused. At least that’s the lie I’m going to tell myself… 🙂
    debby´s last blog post ..Maybe

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