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I like to think that I am generally an ‘Up’ chick.  A glass-half-full kinda gal. At least I try to be. Especially here – my little window to the world, that I try not to smear with negative energy.

But I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say that sometimes, I slide down.  Behind the scenes, I am awfully real.  Sometimes I’m really awful. I fall down. I crash and bump and bruise.  I drive too fast.  I yell at my kids. Try as I might, I cannot be the shoulder to lean on for every single person that needs me.  Sometimes I curl into a ball and feel a little sorry for myself.

I’ve had a bit of a week like that this week.  An old war wound got a bump and gave me quite some grief.  My house is a disaster. We have a mouse infestation that WON’T let up.  A neighbour got a terrible (medical) fright which highlighted our isolation from emergency services. My oldest friend’s daughter is having a dreadful time battling a serious staph infection.  And it’s cold.

I am SO much fun to be around this week…



If I am being all ‘real’ and honest, I’d have to say it’s been a big ‘pothole’ of a week.


I am climbing on top of my bad attitude though… bit by bit.

I can once again see the floors in my kids’ bedrooms.
I am sorting the paperwork in the office.

My head actually feels like it belongs to my body today.

And I am praying for my friend’s daughter to recover quickly.  Doing what I can.  (Even if it never feels like enough!)

And I am determined to focus, not on the black things, but the good things.


Trying to look at the road ahead, rather than the bumps and potholes that are plaguing me (and those I care about) now.
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It’s the only way I know to beat the blues…

How bout you? What tricks do you employ to lift spirits when the going gets murky?

Share please?




  • Kylie

    Give Mr I and the kids a big hug – get an early night and start all over again tomorrow…hopefully it will all look a little rosier then : )- everyone needs a whinge every now and then – we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t!
    Have a great weekend!

  • Scotty

    A bottle of red, a closed door, and a sign on that door that tells the rest of the world that they’re not welcome today – knock at your own peril.


  • Lynda M O

    BB, I am hugging you, and hoping that it continues to improve day by day. Staph is a scary germ that can do damage that lasts; I hope the medications do their jobs and she recovers.

    I try to do more yoga and not watch/read much world news as it has a tendency to depress me even further when I am in the doldrums, feeling poorly or really unsettled.

  • naomi

    this is a tough question for me to answer because i live with chronic, clinical depression. so to lift me out of the pot hole (though to me it sometimes feels like an abyss) i take antidepressants. no amount of positive thinking or attempts at trying to smile my way out ever worked.

    i hope your friend’s daughter recovers. i’m told i had a staph infection on my hands when i was a young child. i don’t remember it but it did land me in the hospital.
    naomi´s last blog post ..The Last Day

  • Amanda

    Oh that gravel road could be the road to our farm. It lights up in the late afternoon just like that road.

    …and what tricks??? I dunno, but the fact that *I* could have written almost the same things you do (the yelling, the falling down the hole, the house that looks like a mess bomb exploded in every room) kinda makes me feel like I am not alone in being a bit *real* sometimes…
    Amanda´s last blog post ..Dear Darl- it’s May 24- 2011

  • ladybug

    Hi Kiddo,chin up you are the best!!Stuff the mice,your kids luuuv you as does the Man!House ain’t goin anywhere so what!!! Prayers for friends daughter,we both know that child is made of good stuff!She is a fighter!!Know how are weaners going?Did they have a few wet and cold days?Ours did but they have survived!Love you lots

  • Buttons

    Oh Bush Babe we all have those times. I do what you do get outside and take my camera. I think seeing the world from a lens prospective always helps. I am going through some up and downs right now but it will pass they always pass.
    I pray for your friend and I know your sunny personality will be back again real soon.
    Take care and maybe my pics will make you smile. B
    Buttons´s last blog post ..Ode to May! Photo Friday

  • ellie k

    I am leaving Fl, this morning and going to Germany to visit my son and fam. This is a real pick me up since we have not seen our son in about 3 years. I don’t like to fly but the visit will be worth it.

  • A Novel Woman

    Well, put the housework at the bottom of the list for starts. No one ever died from a dirty house. Okay, maybe those people on HOARDERS do, but it’s not that bad, right?

    Can you get a cat for the mice? Do you trap or poison? We’ve got them at our cottage and I’m not sure how they’re getting in so I hear you on the mouse front.

    I also got a special spectrum light for my desk. You know, those SADD lamps? It’s great light for working and apparently makes up for some of the lost sunlight in winter. And I boosted my Vitamin D to 2,000 units a day. Also a good mood booster, according to my doctor.

    And there’s always wine, a good book and a closed door for a few hours.
    A Novel Woman´s last blog post ..Grimsvotn Volcano in Iceland

  • debby

    Oh. I’ve been cleaning up several years of mice droppings for the past few days. Quite enough, I think to fill in your pot holes 😛 You know, sometimes life sucks, and there’s no way around it, no choice but to go through it. I find that a good glass of wine and a romantic or comic movie makes it all right.

    And your kids do love you, and your husband loves you, and you’re in the middle of God’s country. That should help, too. Almost as much as the wine and movie.
    debby´s last blog post ..Whats Up

  • Colin (HB)

    BB – Have you a mice plague in your area?
    You have my sympathy. They seemed to always appear after flooding in NSWs areas and cats, dogs, chooks etc were terrified of the hordes.
    That road shown, is it a private road or a public road? If public it is in a pretty bad shape! Are the shire councillors still meeting trying to decide what and when to do something – TYPICAL of bureaucracy!
    Cheer up, the mice will go – the sooner the better, eh?
    Colin (HB)

    • Bush Babe

      Public road Colin. There are many like that around here. Trouble is we have 1/6 the number of councillors looking after us (after amalgamations) and all money is held up by our OTHER governments. Don’t get me started…

  • Jenni in KS

    I’m an optimist loner with a bit of a tendency towards melancholy. What??? Well, it’s true. What it means is I’m mostly positive and hopeful, but I need lots of time to reflect on my own and sometimes that’s not such a good thing. Yeah, I’m still not sure even I understand that description. The thing is, I have so much to be thankful for even in the midst of life’s little stresses and problems. I need to shift my focus back to that instead of moping about the things that aren’t perfect right now. I’m glad you are working your way out of your funk. Thank you for encouraging me to do the same.
    Jenni in KS´s last blog post ..April Is

  • Tami Weingartner

    One of two things always works for me….the first is decluttering. Basically I go on a rampage and start a burn pile…I always start w/workplace/bedroom. Then branch out from there.

    The second thing is a good spring/fall clean…walls, carpets, fridge,etc.

    I always just feel better after both. My Gram used to say that cleanliness is next to godliness. And it sure does have a instant impact on my psyche.

  • Norma in Alabama

    I, like Jenny, am an optimist loner but am not alone. When I get in the mood you’ve been in I call my friend who also has an elderly mother with dementia. We usually compare days and then have a good laugh because we know there is nothing else we can do. We are both thankful for our children and grandchildren who bring the youth back into our homes. My house is straight with the exception of my bedroom. It seems get the least attention because I’m tired by the time I get to it. Pray a lot and lean on your best buddies and give yourself a good talking to. Praying for your young friend, I hope she makes a quick recovery.

  • Kelly

    Don’t be too hard on yourself, BB. You’re human, just like the rest of us… and we all have those times in our lives.

    One of my tricks is to really take stock of just how many blessings I have in my life. That will often kick me out of a funk.

    Kelly´s last blog post ..Baked Frittata

  • Theresa in Alberta

    eat some chocolate, go to Mass, pray, and pray some more!! Me thinks you need a couple of kitty cats to move in to your house 😉

  • Colin (HB)

    BB – I suspected so with the roads, or what remains of them. Get stuck into them, the councils responsible, it WILL make you feel “heaps better”!
    I have just won a WAR of ATTRITION with Telstra, over their bloody robbery with my accounts. I was fed up with the outsourced agencies in Bangladore, India and Manila, the Phillippines. Nothing was done, so on Thursday, I again fronted the Telstra Office in the Brisbane Mall, and refused to be budged until I was given an Australian phone number. Due to my temper, I didn’t phone this number until Friday, and guess what, I got results and my account having the overcharges removed.
    Funny thing was that the senior supervisor in Melbourne agreed with me and told me it was disgusting what is going on.
    So put the boot into them with the road situation, it relieves frustration and just maybe, you will get results. If not skitch your dogs onto them.
    Good luck.
    PS: There were 9 young front staff people that I counted in this office, all standing at the front door, doing “shit all”, and lamenting the fact that in winter, they get no sun due to the high rise. I refrain from telling you what I blasted them with on my departure.

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