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Christmas – take 1

I am writing this post on an ipad (my first ever effort) as my family fish at the beach – we are having a couple of days away after a very busy few months at Granite Glen.

I am not bringing you beach photos today though (not til I work out how to upload images onto an ipad – I suspect we need another attachment) but some taken over the weekend.

We had a trial run for Christmas you see – well, not really, it was more of a Take 1 event. Mr Incredible’s family held their Christmas lunch 10 days early, because it was their year ‘off’. (Do you do that? Where each partner’s family takes turns at being the December 25 focus? Ours do. And this year my Mum gets to host at their ‘new’ place for the very first time – quite exciting!)


But Saturday belonged to Mr I’s family… and we had a ball.


My sister-in-law is a fantastic hostess – everything immaculate and festive and organized. (Seriously, she scares the pants off me sometimes! She KNOWS that’s true. Heh.)

I cooked (somewhat blindly, and badly) the caramelized onions (those suckers take a while when the pot is full and the salt makes them watery) and I took lots of photos. Can you imagine?

I can’t possibly show you them all here, but will share a small sample. To get you in the mood for Christmas ‘n’ all…

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My OTHER sister-in-law’s necklace. Seen through chardonnay. (One might joke that that is the way I viewed it!). Isn’t it groovy and festive?)

There were bubbles… sometimes its the simplest gift that give the most joy and entertainment, don’t you think?

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There was so much more to the day – amazing food, lots of laughter and an enormous bounty of gifts under a gorgeous tree. But I will leave you instead with the view from the front of their lovely Queenslander house taken very early the next morning.

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So what are YOUR plans for Christmas?
And do you do the ‘alternate families’ thing too?

Over and out from the beach!


  • Lynda M O

    Bubbles enliven many occasions; may your memories stain your smiles with cranberry juice. Happy Holidays, Granite Glen Family.

  • KAddy

    We are lucky enough to have three days of Christmas. Christmas Eve with my mum and family, Christmas day with my in-laws and Boxing day with my dad’s side of the family. It is both exhausting and fun. I love christmas! Have a good one!

  • ellie k

    it is just day to day now, hubby is in the hospital and may be there over Christmas. pray that things get better for him. Merry Christmas to you and the family. love your blog.

  • Kate

    Your photos are gorgeous, BB. Gorgeous! And to think we now have the same camera. Someday I want to take gorgeous photos too. As soon as I figure out how to do it.
    We don’t take turns. It’s always been at my in-laws. When my folks lived in the same town (30 years or so ago, and were still alive), we would stop there first, then head over to his parents.
    Kate´s last blog post ..Evening stroll

  • JulieinOz

    Love the photos…the bubbly ones are sweet and love the chardy view…he he!
    Yep…we do the ‘our turn’ thing. In my and my sisters family, we take turns so it takes 5 years for our turn to come around so I make it a pretty big deal by the time I get to ‘do my thing’ again! Plus a Christmas Eve dinner with our daughters family.
    Hoping to get the Bokeh thing figured out before the day!!!
    By Boxing Day my poor house will be creaking and groaning…but I wont be…I wont actually be moving anything at all!!!

  • debby

    This is a year of establishing new family traditions for my family. Dylan’s Brittani cannot take time off between the holidays (she’s a nurse). Dylan wants to be with her. So we will have them January 7th. So it will be a small Christmas, on Christmas day, with a followup party. We will probably have a quiet Christmas morning private celebration, and then a big family ‘do’ that evening, with everyone bringing a dish to share.
    debby´s last blog post ..Today’s ‘Moment’

  • Hippomanic Jen

    We don’t do the alternative relies thing because my Beloved has lost both his parents and his family are scattered from Port Douglas to Perth to Adelaide. It makes decisions easier, but …

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