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Deck dynamos

We have had friends visiting here at Granite Glen.  These are people I have known for a long time – Bel (aka Oopsiemama) was a very young journo at my workplace on the Sunshine Coast almost 15 years ago. (I think I need to sit down after working that one out on my fingers.) e have since worked in a number of workplaces together – in newspapers and in government. Wherever we are, whatever we do, one thing is sure: her work ethic has always been incredible. And as a country girl, I grew up learning to respect a good work ethic.

She has also always been sweet and giggly and funny… Mr Incredible was actually hesitant to throw out our old answering machine (when accompanying phones stopped working) because we didn’t want to lose her hilarious message from about 12 months ago.  I have laughed for a week – and sorted socks with the girl.  The sign of a true friend: someone who wants to sort your odd socks with you!

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They have an adorable daughter (Miss Princess) who kept us all on our toes – especially Violet whom she decided to adore. Well, mostly adore. Like any relationship between a two-year-old and a seven-year-old… it fluctuated.

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Violet sometimes played with the boys (while the dogs – whose heart-stopping antics have already been documented – frolicked in sight of their owners.) Our friends also have a son (whom you may have met as a new waterskiing champ) – Mr Sporty.

He and Dash were pretty much inseperable for the week-long visit.

boys_8340e Boys being BOYS – with bikes and guns and hammersdeck_8951 e

That would be our son, the apprentice builder, on the right. Already streets ahead in the Builder’s Crack department…

(Please note the apprentice spotted this pic and requested modesty stars… we got a little carried away with them!)

Violet tried her hand at some construction work also…

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And here is why the munchkins were all so motivated in the hammer-and-nails projects…


Bel’s amazing hubby (Mr Fix-It) transformed on arrival into a human tornado. A deck-building tornado. I swear to God I have never seen a person attack a project quite like it. He was running along joists. Made my knees hurt just watching him.


Mr Incredible worked beside him (except for the day he had to attend a funeral) and the two went through about megalitre of water. They may have earned themselves the odd cold beer also – an Aussie summer afternoon is a thirst-making environment like no other…

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This is me admiring the view, of them admiring the new view… heh.

This project has been one long in the planning – for decades, an old outdoor laundry has blocked the view from the room that is now our kitchen. We have managed to relocate this building (intact) to our pool area (where it will become our pool shed), making way for this deck.

(Sidenote: you all realise of course that the term ‘we’ in these kind of instances rarely refers to ME. It’s a lovely general term that usually refers to my husband and possibly a friend. My involvement generally involves delivery of food and beverages. And taking photos. And I doubt ANY of that needed explaining.)

All the effort we have put in has been soooooo worthwhile. Because the western sky is now visible from the house.

Giving us THIS…


And this.

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Please note my daughter in the left of shot. She is taking a photo. She is also a pretty good little waitress. (Definitely mine!).

Words cannot express how much of a difference this change has made to our house, to the ‘feel’ of our home. Or how much we appreciate OopsieMama and Mr Fixit helping us out with it.

We just hope our friends (including the human deck-building tornado) can come back and enjoy it without having to work so hard… to put his mind at ease, he should know that I promise to share some of the MOUNTAIN of projects around here with our OTHER friends.

So… who’s visiting next?



Ps Don’t forget to check out OopsieMama’s blog. She’s a crack-up!


  • Jindivick Wildlife Shelter

    Oh yes please – only problem is I would need to bring a whole menagerie of native animals too!!! Perhaps in our retirement when we pull a very large luxurious van along behind us – we will call in for a cuppa. That deck is magnificent and the view even better!

  • Leenie

    As always your photos tell such a superb story plus narrative that had me laughing and thoroughly enjoying a stop by your place. What great friends and family you have! The view from your new deck is OUTSTANDING! How nice to have the project completed. And I’m sure without your help with the delivery of food and beverages it never could have happened. Cheers!
    Leenie´s last blog post ..EAGLE ICE

  • Mandi

    Love the new deck – and love the gorgeous sunset that you can now view every night. Your house sounds a lot like mine. The WE that manages all the projects and reno’s around the place actually consists of HIM who does all the work and ME who sorts the morning teas, lunches and drinks and takes all the photos 🙂

  • LeeNJ

    That’s not a deck. It’s a boardwalk! Wow, how long is that?
    And, while I’m asking questions, 1) That decking looks like teak. Is it? 2) Tell us about that decking hardware. It’s foreign to me (as it probably should be!)
    Great job!

    • BB

      It’s a favourite spot in the house for sure! Waiting for a certain American with some wine glasses to arrive, and christen it properly!

  • Kelly

    What great friends and what a great new addition to your house! I’m sure you will have many hours of enjoyment on your new deck.

    …and if only we could carry “modesty stars” with us in the real world to plaster on where necessary!
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Shadow Shot Sunday #62

  • Oopsiemumma

    Glad you’re enjoying the deck BB. Chill the Chardy, I’ll be back in Sept to enjoy the view…without the builder’s crack I hope. And tell Violet I’ll be inspecting that cupboard of hers *laughs evilly*.
    Oopsiemumma´s last blog post ..MERRY CHRISTMAS

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