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Games of 2012

I love our annual Goodwill Games. Passionately. I think it’s everything I love about the bush, rolled up into one little event.

It’s a day of athletic competition, where the focus is equally on doing well and competing with grace.  It’s our version of the Olympics… with the awesome Aussie bush as a backdrop.

I have a lot of photos to share – to keep slightly more succinct, I will tell you one thing I love about each image. (This will be quite a test of my self-control!)

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Daughter’s bouyant mood infecting all around during marchpast…

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Multitasking MC being scrutinised at point-blank range.

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The sunshine and bush backdrop …


Cutest queues ever (this one for long-jump!)

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Combo of beer-box hurdles and flying concentration…

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Dash getting up…

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Checking on angles and lifting the effort!


The expression of the back marker kid on team out of shot – CUTE!

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Husband’s “yes I’ve been cheating” expression during ‘oldies’ tunnel ball. Priceless.


Son in sprint soaking up some crowd encouragement…

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Son’s BFF showing the speed and detirminaton needed to win.

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All eyes on the runner!

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Son inspired by BFF and team spirit…

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Lack of shoes lending speed previously lacking!

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Those eyes!


That pride and relief (a ribbon FINALLY!).

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A moment with Nana and cousin – perfect!


Post-race bonding – Violet and two BFFs.


And finally, the Champions of the Nap.

(Granite Glen visitors – a European couple – worn out by spectating, using the high jump mat for their own Olympic sport…  doing what I really wanted to do!)

And now if you don’t mind, I am going to try out the technique demonstrated above.




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