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Sweet thing…

If you’ve been following me over on Facebook, you will know that we have a very sick cow here at Granite Glen.  The poor darlin’ had miscarried and gotten very ill when the boys found her – they returned to her paddock with the horse float, caught her (shows how sick she was) and brought her back to the house.

I have to admit, I thought she was going to die the first 48 hours we had her.

It’s still very possible she will.  She is very poor and doesn’t have much reserve – we have given her intravenous and intramuscular drugs to combat her infection and try to keep her from dehydrating too badly.  But as any animal husbandry person will tell you, unless the patient WANTS to fight to live, then you are on a hiding to nothing.  Cattle are funny creatures – some will hang in there and give it their all. Others will toss it in, sulk and give up.

Our patient has rallied a number of times, but doesn’t look like trying to stand yet.


We are all doing our bit in trying to make sure she is comfortable (moving her from one side to the other, replacing water and food, propping her up, spraying her pressure sores and checking regularly for parasites).


Violet in particular is investing a lot of time and encouraging words and cuddles to stimulate our young cow.


I know some of you wonder how we cope … well, it’s not easy.  We do our very best but also try not to extend suffering.  At this point we are still fighting the fight with her.

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If she eats and drinks we have a chance.  If she gets weaker and doesn’t fight, we are in trouble.  And we don’t have anyone else to provide a buffer between us and that choice none of us WANT to make.  So if you could ALL put up a little prayer (or if your beliefs are different, send us some healing magic through whatever channel) we would all appreciate it.

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I really want to have a follow-up post with a walking cow, please.

In anticipation of a little bovine miracle.



  • Cazzie

    Sending you all lots of love. Our newest kid was taken by a fox today. It has been just awful for my girls. Now hubby is back in hospital having round twonin theatre to clear an infection tomorrow. sunday theatre. yes, it never stops.
    plus side is that the kid i hand reared for a few days is growing in leaps and bounds now. his mumms is also feeding him and protecting him well.
    Cazzie´s last blog post ..Fish out of water.

  • Florence

    I am sure BB that everyone who follows you, is wishing for a miracle. And young Violet is bringing hope and love by the bucket full

  • Nancy in Iowa

    You’ve got my prayers, good wishes, and hugs through the ethernet. Violet is one heck of a caring child – your young cow has to appreciate that. I’m sure she can feel Violet’s love, and that of everyone who is looking after her.

  • JulieinOz

    Oh Violet…you are a little angel. Please give your sick cow lots of hugs and love from me…I’ll keep you all in my thoughts.

  • Lynda M O

    As you asked, we have done. I hope it all comes thru on the positive side of the equation; I know you have done your best-all of you.

  • Sandy

    Sounds like you have done all you can,you are right when you say it is up them their fighting spirit an will to live, the beast that is.
    In the end it all comes down to them. This is why bush kids as adults are so balanced, they have seen life and death first hand from an early age. They also undertand suffering and when to put a stop t it, a lesson that is sometimes hard to swollow but makes them better and able to cope with the up’s and down’s life will throw at them. Voilet needs a big hig and kiss
    Good luck.

  • Fiona

    Wishing you a happy outcome BB, Mother Nature plays some cruel hands sometimes. This recent cold wet week certainly wouldn’t have helped matters but hopefully the sun’s out in your parts now as well. Bless your little nurse and hoping her level of care and concern pays off.
    Fiona´s last blog post ..Our Newest Toy

  • BB

    Thanks so much guys… your efforts are working so far. Eating, drinking,weeing, pooing. Four fantastic signs. Everything still crossed this end!!!

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