All posts,  Photo Stuff,  The Bush

Dusky magic

I want to blog SO much more than I do. I suspect most bloggers are like me… so many ideas, so many photos, so little (spare) time to process, write, edit and publish.  Do you know I have about four half-done blogs gathering dust in my drafts folder?  It’s silly to worry about – I love that my life is busy and full and (at times) demanding.

My point is that even when I am not here sharing a new post with you, and opening that window into my world, I want to.  But I am probably sleeping. Or checking on sick cows. Or getting new tyres…

Tonight, as I pack for a few days away, I am taking ten minutes out to share about 5 minutes of my day.

This brief snippet of my day was not particularly unusual or remarkable or different.

Except it took place during that magical slice of time known as dusk.

I was driving home from a quick (110km round) trip to town. I had to get new tyres – bad ’cause those suckers are EXPENSIVE, but good ’cause I managed to nab my favourite tyre at our local tyre centre. I know, for many of you, a tyre is a tyre is a tyre.

For me, thanks to all the driving I do, especially on dirt roads… there are tyres that give you nerves, and tyres that give you an almost-delirious confidence. I was feeling the latter. That Cruiser was hugging those gravel bends like it was ON RAILS (name that movie).

Dash and Violet were chattering and singing with me (Karise Eden with whom I am slightly in love, musically) as we scooted along through the thick scrub on that red dirt road, when we rounded a corner and gathered out collective breaths.

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We managed to arrived HERE. At THAT time of day.

It only lasts about five minutes, where the light drops to silhouette foregrounds and horizons just SO…


Setting it all on fire, like a slow flare just beyond the treeline.

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Fading to dusky softness.

I drive this road all the time. I sometimes drive it at this same time of day.

But it never, NEVER grows old.



PS Don’t forget to enter my giveaway… here!


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