All posts,  The Bush

Fishin’ and a wishin’

Sharing a place with you tonight that has captured the hearts of our two…

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It’s not far from the house here, but could be a million miles away as far as they are concerned.   A little inlet from the river where some yabby traps have been set by one VERY keen little fisherperson.  Dash and Violet visit regularly (under supervision) to paddle the dingy around and check the traps.  No yabbies have yet been snared but plenty of weird and wonderful little creatures find their way in to entertain the adventurers.

And when I shared an image from this set on Facebook yesterday, a couple of friends commented how lucky our kids are, and how ‘these are the days to remember’.

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I really couldn’t agree more.

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Because in the years ahead of us…


When this pair bicker with each other, resent our isolation, and generally give me a hard time (as they surely will) I plan to send them back to this post.  And I will come here too, just to remind myself that it WAS the right choice to give up all our city comforts, our regular incomes, our nice maintained roads… for this.

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I want to remind my children of the things they know now, at this very moment, but may well forget in the years ahead.

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I want to remind them how their mother’s heart swelled with love and pride every time she saw them undertake any kind of task together.

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That they didn’t need electronic ANYTHINGS to make them happy…

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Or entertain them for hours on end…

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That they really ARE more powerful as a team…

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That the world is their oyster…

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Or at least their freshwater prawn…

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That no matter the ripples on the surface of their lives…

(Self-made or otherwise)


Calm will eventually reassert itself.

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Even when one’s brother hams it up with a silhouetted fist for the camera…

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Because you know he doesn’t REALLY mean it!


And that if you pull the boat high enough when you leave, it will surely be there waiting for you in the morning…




  • KAddy

    Beautiful – nearly made me cry!
    They are lucky and they may forget it temporarily when friends and hormones kick in but once reminded I am sure they will agree.

  • Bill

    Oh what empires wonder through young minds when they have an uncluttered world to create in.
    Please, could I start life over again?

  • Theresa in Alberta

    so calm,peaceful and lovely!! Your kiddo’s are having a very lucky and blessed childhood and one day they may even thank you for it eh 😉 Is it still “winter” in your part of the world? If it was winter in Canada they would be wearing the coats they got in NYC, along with mittens and hats and be skating on that pond…..

  • Andrew

    While I may prematurely have you dead and buried, I am quite certain your children will remember their childhood years fondly, no matter what they go on to do. Things as you have described are what kids remember.
    Andrew´s last blog post ..Train from Oakleigh

  • JulieinOz

    Feeling a little envy and sadness BB…that my kids grew up in the suburbs and couldnt experience what yours have out there waiting for them each day.
    What wonderful people you are growing!
    This is by far my most favourite post…
    If I look closely enough at the photos, I can almost hear the sounds…of the kids voices, the birds, the slight splashing of the water.
    Peace and calm…

  • Nancy in Iowa

    This is marvelous! The photos are exquisite. It does take me back to my childhood, although we didn’t have a beautiful pond around. 60 years ago the solid development of houses and strip malls across from and near the place I lived then was filled with – not water – but woods. Magic woods! We played house in the wide-branched trees we climbed; there were little creeks where we waded and caught little critters. We learned the difference between “friendly” snakes and the poisonous ones. I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything!

    BTW, what is a yabby?

  • Margie from New York

    Lovely pictures, it looks very peaceful there. What do they do with the crawdads if they catch them? Johnny Reb calls the Mudbugs, but he’s from the south. Never heard the term yabbies, had to google it. 🙂

  • Colin (HB)

    Well said BB. Such lucky kids to be able to enjoy rural life. Far better to be out paddling, yabbying etc. than sitting in front of a TV playing silly games. (And probably eating MacDonalds!)
    This sure has been (so far) an amazing August! I have to keep pinching myself to ensure I am still really in Brisbane!

  • Buttons

    Oh I love this post. You are such a great Mom and your kids are never going to forget the life you and their Dad have given them. Their imaginations and each others companies are all they need not a electronic friend.
    Your photos are magical and I am so glad I get to visit and see your kids wonderful life. They are indeed lucky for where they live, who loves them and having each other. B
    Buttons´s last blog post ..Searching and Singing! (3 of 3)

  • Hippomanic Jen

    I’d bet, though, that it will take ages and ages for them to realise that the life they are living is “not normal”, therefore start resenting the downsides.

    Thanks for the glimpse of beauty.

  • Debby

    You can hope that they always view ‘normal’ through the lens that you and Mr. I have provided them. Parents set the standards for ‘normal’ and your children will have an internal compass that guides them to ‘normal’.

    Mine fought like cats and dogs. I often thought that I would lose my mind trying to keep it all sorted, but you know, they grow up, and once they stop competing, they become friends.
    Debby´s last blog post ..Choices

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