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ABBA re-Bjorn

We attended a birthday party last night… for a friend who is a performer at heart, and who adores a theme.

The theme for her 50th birthday bash was ’60s and 70s’ … and provided me with quite a headache initially.  (I wanted a kaftan – those things are HARD to find in this day and age!).  Instead I went for ABBA – seeing as how there are two boys and two girls in this family and the group.  Mr Incredible already has a Benny beard, Violet was a natural for Anna, and Dash was more than keen to show some chest as Bjorn.  I thought ‘how hard can it be to add some flares’?

So I popped into the local material shop and found some curtain material I thought might do the trick …

Apparently I forgot how much I hate sewing… or at least I thought it would be quite quick to whip up…  about six hours and many pricked fingers later…


You can dance, you can jii-iiive…

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Flares baby!  (That thudding sound you hear is my sister fainting from the evidence of me actually sewing something.)  Forgive the wigs – the choice was fairly limited and my $7 black wig was probably more Cher or Indian Squaw than Frida, but it’s the best I could do.  I can see a little Toni Collette from Muriel’s Wedding shining through there too, can’t you?

The worst wig of the evening (supplied by yours truly from the same Dollar shop the Abba wigs were purchased from) goes to my father… aka Elvis.


He was definitely IN the building. Or at least the shed.  Nice sideburns Dad!

Scariest outfit in the family went to my brother.
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That was a FULLY green 70s safari suit and a MASSIVE ‘fro with ‘real human hair’ moustache.  Very hard to hold a serious conversation with a bloke who looks like he’s straight out of Boogie Nights!

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There were many amazing outfits on the evening – cannot show them here as I didn’t get permission to share, so instead a glimpse of two of the stars: the Birthday Girl in the sparkly blue number and blonde wig, and her always-glamourous daughter with the most insane set of false sparkly eyelashes ever.  Hilarious!

Back to washing, calendar design and lawn mowing today.

abba BB

Signing out, in peace,

Little White Dove/Cher/Frida


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